[Publications] M.Nagao,K.Minami and M.Esashi: "Siicon Angular Rate Sensor Using PZT Thin Film"Sensors and Materials. 11・1. 31-39 (1999)
[Publications] S.Ko,D.Sim and M.Esashi: "An Electrostatic Servo-Accelerometer with mG Resolution"電気学会論文誌E. 119-E・7. 368-373 (1999)
[Publications] M.Esashi,R.Toda,K.Minami and T.Ono: "Precise Micro-Nanomachining of Silicon"電気学会論文誌E. 119-E・10. 489-497 (1999)
[Publications] P.N.Minh,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Nonuniform silicon oxidation and application for the fabrication of aperture for near-field scanning optical microscopy"Applied Physics Letters. 75・26. 4076-4078 (1999)
[Publications] 小野 崇人、江刺正喜: "走査型プローブ顕微鏡とナノメートル加工への応用"計測と制御. 38・12. 763-768 (1999)
[Publications] 江刺正喜: "ここまで来たマイクロ・ナノメカノプティクス 総説"OPTRONICS. No.7. 140-143 (1999)
[Publications] 小野崇人、江刺正喜: "ナノメカノプティクス"OPTRONICS. No.7. 144-148 (1999)
[Publications] 江刺 正喜: "システムの鍵を握るマイクロマシン技術"技術と経済. No.392. 4-9 (1999)
[Publications] T.Ono,A.Wada and M.Esashi: "Silicon Micromachined Tunable Infrared Polarizer"[Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 2P6.5. 794-797 (1999)
[Publications] M.Ikeda,N.Shimizu and M.Esashi: "Surface Micromachined Driven Shielded Condenser Microphone with a Sacrificial Layer Etched from the Backside"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 3D3.3. 1070-1073 (1999)
[Publications] J.Yang,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Mechanical Behavior of Ultrathin Microcantilever"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 4D1.1. 1140-1143 (1999)
[Publications] T.Abe and M.Esashi: "One-Chip Multi-Channel Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Fabricated by Deep RIE"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 4B3.1. 1246-1249 (1999)
[Publications] J.Mizuno,N.Nottmeyer,Y.Knanai,O.Berberig,T.Kobayashi and M.Esashi: "A Silicon Bulk Micromachined Crash Detection Sensor with Simultanious"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 4D3.4. 1302-1305 (1999)
[Publications] D.W.Lee,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Microscope Resonator Integrated Cantilever for Scanning Probe"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 4C4.1. 1360-1363 (1999)
[Publications] T.Matsunaga,K.Minami and M.Esashi: "Acceleration Switch with Extended Holding Time Using the Squeeze Film Effect"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 3P2.14. 1550-1553 (1999)
[Publications] K.Fukatsu,T.Murakoshi and M.Esashi: "Electrostatically Levitated Micro Motor for Inertia Measurement System"Technical Digest of the Transducers'99. 3P2.16. 1558-1561 (1999)
[Publications] M.N.Phan,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Application of Silicon Micromachining Technology for the Fabrication of the Atomic Force Microscope and Near Field Optical Probe"The Third International Workshop on Materials Science. 537-540 (1999)
[Publications] M.Esashi: "Precise Bulk Micromachining"Microsystems in Harsh Environments Workshop. (1999)
[Publications] M.Esashi: "Silicon Micromachining"The Third International Workshop on Materials Science. 74-79 (1999)
[Publications] 李興華、安部隆、江刺正喜: "Deep RIEによるガラスの微細加工の研究"電気学会 マイクロマシン研究会. MM-99-15. 11-15 (1999)
[Publications] N.M.Phan,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Microfabrication of 10nm Aperture on Si Cantilever for Near Field Optical Microscopy"1999年度 精密工学会秋季大会 講演論文集. 348 (1999)
[Publications] 李東原、小野崇人、江刺正喜: "電磁駆動型ねじれ振動子の走査型プローブ顕微鏡への応用"電気学会センサーマイクロマシン部門総合研究会資料. PS-99-9. 43-48 (1999)
[Publications] 阿部宗光、篠原英司、江刺正喜: "3脚音叉型Siジャイロ"電気学会センサーマイクロマシン部門総合研究会資料. PS-99-11. 55-60 (1999)
[Publications] N.Takimura,D.W.Lee,M.N.Phan,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Heater Integarated Micro Probe for High-Density Data Storage"Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium. (2000)
[Publications] T.Matsunaga and M.Esashi: "Acceleration Switch with a Holding Time by Using the Squeezed Dumping"Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium. (2000)
[Publications] S.S.Lee,J.H.kang,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Servo Controlled Thermal IR Sensor Using Tunnel Current Measurement"Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium. (2000)
[Publications] D.W.Lee,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Surface Imaging with Electro-Magnetically Self Actuating AFM Probe"Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium. (2000)
[Publications] S.Tanaka,M.Hara and M.Esashi: "Air-Turbine-Driven Micro-Polarization Modulator for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy"Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium. (2000)
[Publications] J.Yang,T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Dominated Energy Dissipation in Ultra Thin Single Crystal Silicon Cantilever: Surface Loss"Proc. Of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems'2000. 235-240 (2000)
[Publications] X.Li,T.Abe and M.Esashi: "Deep Reactive Ion Etching of Pyrex Glass"Proc.of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems'2000. 271-276 (2000)
[Publications] M.Abe,E.Shinohara,K.Hasegawa,S.Murata: "Trident-type Tuning Fork Silicon Gyroscope by the Phase Difference Detection"Proc. Of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems'2000. 508-513 (2000)
[Publications] T.Ono,D.Y.Sim and M.Esashi: "Imaging of Micro-discharge in a Micro-gap of Electrostatic Actuator"Proc. Of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems'2000. 651-656 (2000)
[Publications] 李成浩、鈴木学、江刺正喜、飯島高志: "圧電膜を用いた振動ジャイロの駆動特性"第17回強誘電体応用会議. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T.Ono and M.Esashi: "Sensors Update (H. Baltes, W.Gopel and J. Hesse ed)"Wiley-VCH. 25 (1999)