[Publications] Chi, P.J., C.T.Russell, J.Raeder, E.Zesta, K.Yumoto, H.Kawano, K.Kitamura, S.M.Petrinec, V.Angelopoulos, G.Le, M.B.Moldwin: "Propagation of the preliminary reverse impulse of sudden commencements to low latitudes"J.Geophys.Res.. 106, A9. 18,857-18,864 (2001)
[Publications] Farrugia, C.J., V.K.Jordanova, M.P.Freeman, C.C.Cocheci, R.L.Arnoldy, M.Engebretson, P.Stauning, G.rostoker, M.F.Thomsen, G.reeves, K.Yumoto: "Large-scale geomagnetic effects of May 4, 1998"Adv.Space Res.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Kepko, L., M.G.Kivelson, K.Yumoto: "Flow bursts, braking, and Pi2 pulsations"J.Geophys.Res.. 106, No.A2. 1903-1915 (2001)
[Publications] Makarov, G.A., D.G.Baishev, S.I.Solovyev, V.A.Pilipenko, M.Engebretson, K.Yumoto: "Meridional propagation velocity of the geomagnetic sudden impulse in the high-latitude region"J.Geomag.Aeronomy. 41, No.5. 578-582 (2001)
[Publications] Nose, M., S.Ohtani, K.Takahashi, A.T.Lui, R.W.McEntire, D.J.Williams, S.P.Christon, K.Yumoto: "Ion composition of the near-Earth plasma sheet in substorm and quiet intervals : Geotail/EPIC measurements"J.Geophys.Res.. 106, A5. 8391-8403 (2001)
[Publications] Sakurai T., Y.Tonegawa, Y.Shinkai, K.Yumoto, S.Kokubun, K.Tsuruda, T.Mukai: "Poynting vectors of Pc 5 pulsations observed by the GEOTAIL satellite in the dayside outer magnetosphere"Earth Planets Space. 53. 843-849 (2001)
[Publications] Kikuchi, T., S.Tsunomura, K.Hashimoto, K.Nozaki: "Field-Aligned Current Effects on Mid Latitude Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements"J.Geophys.Res.. 106, A8. 15555-15565 (2001)
[Publications] Sastri, J.H., T.Takeuchi.T.Araki, K.Yumoto, S.Tsunomura, H.Tachihara, H.Luehr, J.Watermann: "Preliminary impulse of the geomagnetic storm sudden commencement of November 18, 1993"Je Geophys. Res. 106, A3. 3905-3918 (2001)
[Publications] Shiokawa, K., T.Ogawa, H.Oya, F.J.Rich, K.Yumoto: "A stable auroral red (SAR) arc observed in Japan after an interval of very weak solar wind"J.Geophys.Res.. 106, A11. 26091-26010 (2001)
[Publications] Shiokawa, K., Y.Otsuka, T.Ogawa, N.Balan, K.Igarashi, A.J.Ridley, D.J.Knipp, A.Saito, K.Yumoto: "A large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance during the magnetric storm of September 15, 1999"J.Geophys.Res.. 106(in press). (2001)
[Publications] Waters, C.L., M.D.Sciffer, B.J.Fraser, F.W.Menk, K.Foulkes, K.Brand, O.Saka, K.Yumoto: "The phase structure of very low latitude ULF waves across dawn"J. Geophys. Res.. 106, A8. 15599-15607 (2001)
[Publications] Yumoto, K., the CPMN Group: "Characteristics of Pi 2 magnetic pulsations observed at the CPMN stations : A review of the STEP results"Earth Planets Space. 53. 981-992 (2001)
[Publications] Akinaga, Y.M.Hayakawa, J.Y.Liu, K.Yumoto, K.Hattori: "A precursory ULF signature for Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan"Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Anderson, D., K.Yumoto, M.Ishitsuka, E.Kudeki: "Estimating daytime vertical ExB drift velocities in the equatorial F-region using ground-based magnetometer observations"Geophys.Res.Lett.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Higuchi, T., S, -I.Ohtani, T.Uozumi, K.Yumoto: "Pi 2 onset time determination with information criterion"J.Geophys.Res.. 107(in press). (2002)
[Publications] Kawano H., K.Yumoto, V.A.Pilipenko, Y.-M.Tanaka, S.Takasaki, M.lizima, M.Seto: "Ground-based identification of magnetospheric field line eigenfrequency as a continuous function of ground latitude"J.Geophys.Res.. 107(in press). (2002)
[Publications] Ohtani, S.-I., R.Yamaguchi, M.Nos, H.Kawano, M.Engebretson, K.Yumoto: "Quiet-time magnetotail dynamics and their implications for the substorm trigger"J.Geophys.Res.. 107(in press). (2002)
[Publications] Yamaguchi, R., H.Kawano, S.Ohtani, T.Higuchi, K.Yumoto, T.Mukai, Y.Saito, The Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network Group: "The timing relationship between bursty bulk flows and Pi2s at the geosynchronous orbit"Geophys.Res.Lettr.. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] Yoshikawa, A., M.Itonaga, M.Shinohara, Y.Obana, K.Yumoto: "The Hall induced shielding effect on the geomagnetic pulsations"Geophys. Res. Lettr.. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] Yoshikawa, A., M.Itonaga, M.Shinohara, K.Yumoto: "Diagrammatic method to describe the self-inductive response of magnetosphere-ionosphere -atmosphere-Earth electromagneticallyc oupled system as a quasi-particle excitation"J. Geophys. Res.. 107(in press). (2002)
[Publications] Yumnoto K., M.Shinohara, K.Nozaki, E.A.Orosco, Fr.V.Badillo, D.Bringas, the CPMN, WestPac Observation Group: "Simultaneous Ground-based Observations of Electric and Magnetic Field Variations near the Magnetic Equator for Space Weather Study"COSPAR Colloqa Ser.Vol. on Space weather study using multi-point techniques, edited by Pergamon Press. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] Angelopoulos, V., J.A.Chapman, F.S.Mozer, J.D.Scudder, C.T.Russell, K.Tsuruda, T.Mukai, T.J.Hughes, K.Yumoto: "Plasma sheet electromagnetic power generation and its dissipation along auroral field lines"J.Geophys.Res.. 106(in press). (2002)
[Publications] Motoba, T., T.Kikuchi, H.Luhr, H.Tachihara, T.-I.Kitamura, K.Hayashi, T.Okuzawa: "Global Pc5 caused by a DP2-type ionospheric current system"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] Motoba, T., T.Kikuchi, H.Luhr, H.Tachihara, T.-I.Kitamura, T.Okuzawa: "Equatorial Pc5 associated with moving current vortices in the high-latitude ionosphere"Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium on Space Weather Study Using Multi-point Techniques. (in press). (2002)