[Publications] A.Mase,T.Tokuzawa,et al.: "Density Profile and Fluctuation Measurements Using Microwave Reflectometry" Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research. 74・10. 1189-1200 (1998)
[Publications] Y. Kiwamoto,Y.Kikuchi,et al.: "Pinhole Camera Imaging of X Rays and Energetic Neutral Atoms for Hot Plasma Diagnostics" Rev.Sci.Instrum.69・6. 2574-2575 (1998)
[Publications] S.Tanaka,M.Ichimura,et al.: "Macroscopic Stability Control Experiments with Phased Antennas in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 67・6. 1963-1967 (1998)
[Publications] K.Yatsu,L.G.Bruskin,et al.: "Experimental Study of Potential Confinement of ICRF-Heated Plasma in GAMMA 10" Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research. 74・8. 844-849 (1998)
[Publications] K.Yatsu,L.G.Bruskin,et al.: "Plasma Confinement in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,Yokohama. IAEA-CN-69. EX4/6 (1998)
[Publications] M.Ichimura,H.Hojo,et al.: "Characteristics of Hot Ions with a Strong RF Heating in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,Yokohama. IAEA-CN-69. EX4/8 (1998)
[Publications] M.Ichimura,S.Kanazawa,et al.: "ICEF Antenna Arrangement for Axisymmetric Plasma Formation in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conf.on Contr.Fusion and Plasma Physics,Praba,. 22C. 1292-1295 (1998)
[Publications] K.Kajiwara,T.Saito,et al.: "Validity of a Model Electron Distribution Function in an End Region of a Tandem Mirror" Journal of The Physical Society of Japan. 67・10. 3647-3648 (1998)
[Publications] I.Katanuma,Y.Kiwamoto,et al.: "On the plug potential profile in a tandem mirror" Physics of Plasmas. 5・5. 1560-1562 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Nakashima,Y.Hasegawa,et al.: "Charge-exchange neutral particle measurements on electron cyclotron resonance heating experiments in hot-ion-mode plasmas of the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror" Review of Scientific Instruments. 70・1. 849-852 (1999)
[Publications] Y.Kogi,A.Mase,et al.: "Cross-polarization scattering from low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror" Review of Scientific Instruments. 70・1. 991-994 (1999)
[Publications] M.Ichimura,C.Satake,et al.: "Behaviour of High Energy Ions in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror," Review of Scientific Instruments. 70・1. 834-837 (1999)
[Publications] S.Tanaka,M.Ichimura,et al.: "Low Frequency Fluctuations Measured by Probes in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" Review of Scientific Instruments. 70・1. 979-982 (1999)
[Publications] T.Goro,K.Ishii,et al.: "New typeof compact electrostatic energy analyzer adequate to measurement of charge exchange neutral particles with a low counting yield" Review of Scientific Instruments. 70・1. 845-848 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ishii,T.Goto,et al.: "Ion Transport in Velocity Space due to Alfven-Ion-Cyclotron Fluctuations Excited in the RF Driven Tandem Mirror Plasma" transactions of fusion technology. 35・1T. 175-179 (1999)
[Publications] K.Yatsu,L.G.Bruskin,et al.: "Recent Results of Experiments on Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10" transactions of fusion technology. 35・1T. 52-59 (1999)
[Publications] A.Mase,T.Tokuzawa,et al.: "Density Profile and Fluctuation Measurements with Microwave Reflectometry on GAMMA 10" transactions of fusion technology. 35・1T. 210-214 (1999)
[Publications] T.Saito,Y.Tatematsu,et al.: "Measurement and Control of End Loss Electrons from the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" transactions of fusion technology. 35・1T. 233-237 (1999)
[Publications] H.Hojo,M.Nakamura,et al.: "Effects of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Modes on Tandem Mirror Energy Transport" to be published in Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research. 75・3. (1999)
[Publications] M.Nakamura,M.Ichimura,et al.: "Alfven wave excitation due to pressure anisotropy in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror" to be published in Journal of Plasmaand Fusion Research. (1999)
[Publications] Y.Nakashima,K.Yatsu,et al.: "Plasma Confinement and Behavior of Plasma in the Minimum-B Region of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror" to be published in Journal of Plasmaand Fusion Research. 75・3. (1999)
[Publications] T.Saito,M.Ichimura,et al.: "Enhanced axial loss of electrons from a tandem mirror induced by an Alfven ion cyclotron wave" Physical Review Letters. 82・6. 1169-1172 (1999)
[Publications] K.Yatsu,T.Cho,et al.: "Reduction of Radial Loss by Conducting Plates Installed in Anchor Region of GAMMA 10" to be published in Chinese Physics Letters. (1999)
[Publications] H.Hojo,M.Nakamura,et al.: "Tandem Mirror Transport Study with AIC Fluctuations" to be published in Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research. (1999)