Research Abstract |
By using a personal computer, I have already published a pada index and reverse pada index to each of the four most important and oldest canonical texts in Pali Buddhism, the Suttanipata, the Dhammapada, the Theragatha and the Therigatha. Then I merged these four indexes into one volume in response to many reader requests. This combined pada index was compiled in the same word order as Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary. By very carefully comparing two pada indexes : the Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index to Early Jain Canonical Texts, the Ayaranga, the Suyagada, the Uttarajjhaya, the Dasaveyaliya, the Isibhasiyaim, which was published in 1995 by Ousaka and myself, and the pada index mentioned above, I picked up exhaustively the parallel verses, parallel padas, and related padas between these early Pali and Jain canonical texts. Moreover, I collected the parallel padas seen in the Mahavastu which was written in Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit and the Mahabharata belonging to Brahmana literature. Although these parallel padas are categorized as various items, these references contain the major categories such as doctrines, religious precepts, and so on. Having investigated the features of these parallel padas, it is clear that the precepts and doctrines of Buddhism and Jainism originally possessed a common basis of Sramanas (wandering monks) who opposed Brahmanism. This was the orthodox religion in 600-400 B.C. in India. We can also assume that these padas were composed in the era of communal living, before the formation of individual sects. They were adopted in the earliest time when their sects were originally established.