Research Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to investigate children's conversation to construct and maintain the imaginal world. In the experiment 1, sixty one 6-year-olds got on the imitation moon rocket. In the eperiment 2, twenty six 6-year-olds , forty 5-year-olds, and twenty six 4-year-olds got on the imitation moon rocket. Their conversations were recorded. In the experiment 3, thirty four 6-year-olds, forty 5-year-olds, and thirty seven 4-year-olds participated " the castanets task"that we devised in order to study children's understanding of shared pretense. The results of these studies are summarized in the following propositions. (1)The waiting ability was not correlated with the imargination ability. (2) The 4-year-olds misunderstood their pretending with other's pretending. The 6-year-olds understands that their pretending differs from other's pretending. (3) In joint decision, the 6-year-olds and 5-year-olds did double voice utterannces and unique fluctations of their intensions. (4) The 6-year-olds and 5-year-olds could construct the counter factual imaginal world in their conversation.