Research Abstract |
The purpose of the study was to clarify the differences among Japanese, Chinese, and American children and adolescents in the respect of how the children and adolescents in three countries accept Self's characteristics which differ from Others and Others' characteristics which differ from Self. To this end, Questionnaires were administered to fourth, seventh, and tenth graders in Japan, China, and the United States. The main results were as follows : 1. Generally, it was easier for Japanese to accept Others' characteristics which differ from Self than Chinese and American were, whereas it was more difficult for Japanese to accept Self's characteristics which differ from Others than Chinese and American were. 2. In Japan, it was easier for children and adolescents to accept Others' characteristics which differ from Self with rising grade level, but their acceptance of Self's characteristics which differ from Others didn't change with grades. In other countries, by contrast, it was easier for children and adolescents to accept Self's characteristics which differ from Others with rising grade level. 3. In individual level, Japanese showed greater acceptance of Others' characteristics which differ from Self than did Chinese and American. On the other hand, in group level, Japanese didn't show greater acceptance of Others' characteristics which differ from Self than did Chinese and American. 4. In Japan, children and adolescents showed greater acceptance of Others' characteristics which differ from Self in the Out-group condition than they did in the In-group condition. 5. In Japan, girls showed greater acceptance of Others' characteristics which differ from Self than did boys. By contrast, boys were more accepting of Self's characteristics which differ from Others than girls were.