Research Abstract |
The basic objective of this research is to clarify upon the contents of "human experiences in and around roads" by taking up the pilgrimage roads in Shikoku in contemporary Japanese society. The experiences are considered to be influenced by such elements as : road spaces ; socio-cultural apparatuses ; and mental attitudes and attributes of the pilgrims. As a whole, the tasks can be roughly summarized in the following four : (1) Survey on exchanges between the residents along the pilgrimage roads and the pilgrims ; (2) compilation of sociological research results into an academic publication on Pilgrims in Shikoku ; (3) a pilot study for comparison with the Shikoku Pilgrimage ; and (4) utilization of digitized pilgrimage road data system in the actual loci of education. As for the first task, in FY 1998, as a preparation for conducting a survey research in the locations along the Pilgrimage Roads in Shikoku, with the emphasis on practices of entertaining pilgrims (Ossetai), locations we
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re selected and preliminary surveys were conducted. In FY 1999, intensive interview surveys and collection of references were conduced and, presently, preparations are under way for compiling reports. On the second task, preparations are underway for publishing a book which will compile the following in a comprehensive manner : research results from surveys conduced on the socio-cultural apparatuses of the pilgrimage experiences conduced in the FY 1995, results from the questionnaire survey for those who experience pilgrimage on the mental attitude of pilgrimage experiences, and the results from the survey on "Ossettai" in the present research period. On the third task, mainly interview surveys were conducted on Fudasho Temples of the Bando 33-Location Pilgrimage and we are currently working on a report on the survey in FY 1998. At the same time, a survey was conduced for positioning these in the pilgrimage conditions in all over Japan in FY 1999 and we are currently working on a report on the survey. As for the fourth task, through the use of the following, lecture series were conducted for the general public (Quality of Life Saturday Lectures) in April, FY 1999 : (1) utilization of a CD-ROM titled "Sociological Research on Shikoku Pilgrimage" which was created In FY 1998 and (2) a home page opened in FY 1998. Also, lectures tilted "Road" Lectures were conducted at the Extension Center, Waseda University during the months of September and October in 1999. In FY 2000, an experimental bi-directional remote-access classes, "Contemporary Society and Pilgrimage Roads, " is to be held on annual basis at Waseda University. Less