Research Abstract |
In this research I have been pursuing the constellation of sexuality in our modern society on the premise that the asymmetrical sexual formation constructs our sexuality as well as our gender roles. Sexuality studies emerged in the beginning of the 1990s in the US and several years later in Japan. But, at least in Japan, this research tended to focus on the visibilization of homosexuality and was indifferent to the critical inquiry of the binary opposition of the heter/homo-sexuality framework and to the denatualization of heterosexuality itself. The aim of this research, which was the theoretical analysis of sexuality with the rereading of its literary/film representation, could be attained to some extent, I believe. In the context of Japanese academism, I've been able to reposit feminism in a wider connection and to introduce the perspective of sexuality in the field of social science, political studies, critical theories and literary studies. My serial articles carried in the Shiso magazine and other articles, interviews, dialogues, catalogue raisonnes of mine included in other theoretical magazines with my translation of the writings of Judith Butler and Eve K. Sedgwick try to reread critically psychoanalysis and political, social, literary, and discursive theories and to clarify our social system which embraces, in my opinion, sexuality as its vanishing point. The results of my research of the past four year include Feminism published in 2000 by Iwanami Shoten and a forthcoming book of mine to be published by the same publisher. I have served as a kind of guest editor in feminist and/or sexuality issues of several magazines published these couple of years. I feel my research has contributed toward other disciplines than literary studies.