[Publications] H.Hidaka,K.Ajisaka,S.Horikoshi,T.Oyama,: "Comparative assessment of the efficiency of TiO_2/OTE thin film electrodes fabrieated by three deposition methods. Photoelectrochemical degradation of two anione surfactants"J.Photochem.Photobiol.A : Chem.,. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] H.Hidaka,K.Ajisaka,: "Photodecomposition of amino acids and photocurrent generation on TiO_2/H_2O electrodes prepared by pulse laser deposition"Catal.Lett.. 60,. 95-98 (1999)
[Publications] 日高久夫,堀越智,趙進才: "二酸化チタン分散系における界面活性剤の光分解,"オレオサイエンス,(総説). 1,. 55-73 (2001)
[Publications] G.Liu,X.Li.,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka N.Serpone,: "Photoxidation pathway of sulforhodamine-B. Dependence on the adsorption mode on TiO_2 exposed to visible light radiation"Environ.Sci.Technol.,. 34. 3982-3990 (2000)
[Publications] N.Serpone,I.Texier,A.V.Emeline,P.Pichat,H.Hidaka and J.Zhao: "Post-irradiation effect and reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols at oxygen-free TiO_2/water inferfaces in the presence of prominent hole scavengers"J.Photochem.Photobiol.A : Chem.,. 136,. 145-155 (2000)
[Publications] S.Higashimoto,M.Matsuoka,H.Yamashita,M.Anpo,O.Kitao,H.Hidaka,: "Effect of the Si/Al ratio on the local structure of V-oxide/ZSM-5 catalysts prepared by the solid-state reaction of HZSM-5 with decomposition of NO in the abseuce and presence of propene"J.Phys.Chem.,. 104,. 10288-10292 (2000)
[Publications] G.Liu,J.Zhao and H.Hidaka: "ESR spin-trapping detection of radical intermediates in the TiO_2-assisted photooxidation of sulforhodamine B under visible irradiation"J.Photochem.Photobiol.A : Chem.,. 133,. 83-88 (2000)
[Publications] T.Wu,G.Liu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Mechanistic study of the TiO_2-assisted photodegradation of squarylium cyanide dye in methanolic suspensions exposed to visible light"New J.Chem.,. 24,. 93-98 (2000)
[Publications] H.Horikoshi,N.Watanabe and H.Hidaka: "Photocatalyltic wastewater treatment for 4-nonylphenol of an endocrine disruptor and 4-nonyophenol polyethoxylate surfactant at the titania/water interface"J.Jpn.Oil Chem.Soc.,. 49,. 631-639 (2000)
[Publications] G.Liu,X.Li,J.Zhao,S.Horikoshi and H.Hidaka: "Photooxidation mechanism of dye alizarin red in TiO_2 dispersions under visible illumination : an experimental and theoretical examination"J.Mol.Catal.A : Chem.,. 153,. 221-229 (2000)
[Publications] K.Waki,J.Zhao,S.Horikoshi,K.Arai,N.Watanabe H.Hidaka,: "Photooxidation mechanism of nitrogen-containing compounds at TiO_2/H_2O interfaces : an experimental and theoretical examination of hydrazine derivatives"Chemoshere,. 41,. 337-343 (2000)
[Publications] G.Liu,T.Wu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Photoassisted degradation of dye pollutants VIII : Irreversible degradation of Alizarin Red under visible light irradiation in air-equilibrated aqueous TiO_2 dispersion "Environ.Sci.Technol.,. 33,. 2081-2087 (1999)
[Publications] T.Wu,G.Liu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Evidence for H_2O_2 generation during the TiO_2 assisted photodegradation of dyes in aqueous dispersions under visible light illumination"J.Phys.Chem.,. 103,. 4862-4867 (1999)
[Publications] T.Wu,G.Liu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "TiO_2-assisted photodegradation of dyes IX : Photooxidation of squaryliu cyanine dye in aqueous dispersions under visible light irradiation"Environ.Sci.Technol.,. 33,. 1379-1387 (1999)
[Publications] K.Wu,Y.Xie,J.Zhao and H.Hidaka,: "Photo-Fenton degradation of a dye under visible light irradiation"J.Mol.Catal.A : Chem.,. 142,. 49-57 (1999)
[Publications] S.Horikoshi,J.Zhao and H.Hikaka,: "Photodegradation of surfactants. XIX : Photooxidation mechanism for nonionic dodecanoyl amide surfactants at TiO_2/H_2O interfaces"J.Jpn.Oil Chem.Soc.,. 48,. 767-774 (1999)
[Publications] S.Horikoshi,N.Serpone,S.Yoshizawa.J.Knowland and H.Hidaka,: "Photocatalyzed degradation of polymers in aqueous semiconductor suspensions. IV. Theoretical and experimental examination of the photooxidative mineralization of constituent bases in nucleic acids"J.Photochem.Photobiol.A : Chem.,. 120,. 63-74 (1999)
[Publications] A.Salinaro,A.Emeline,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka,V.Ryabchuck and N.Serpone,: "Terminology, relative photonic efficiency, and quantum yields in hetero-generous (solid/liquid) photocatalysis. Part II ; Experimental determination of quantum yields"Pure & Appl.Chem.,. 71,. 321-335 (1999)
[Publications] J.He,F.Chen,J.Zhao and H.Hidaka: "Adsorption mode of ethyl ester of fluorescein on colloidal TiO_2 and the mechanism of the interfacial electron transfer"Colloids & Surfaces,. 142,. 49-57 (1998)
[Publications] P.Qu,J.Zhao,L.Zang,T.Shen and H.Hidaka,: "Enhancement of the photoinduced electron transfer from cationic dyes to colloidal TiO_2 particles by addition of an anionic surfactant in acidic media"Colloids & Surfaces,. 138,. 39-50 (1998)
[Publications] J.He,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "EPR characteristics of a dye-colloidal TiO_2 system under visible light irradation"J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans.2.,. 94,. 2375-2378 (1998)
[Publications] S.Horikashi,N.Serpone,J.Zhao and H.Hidaka,: "Towards a better understanding of the initial steps in the photocatalyzed mineralization of amino acids at the titania/water interface.-An experimental and theoretical examination of L-alanine, L-serine and L-phenylalanine"J.Photochem.Photobiol.A : Chem.,. 118,. 123-129 (1998)
[Publications] 堀越智,日高久夫: "半導体触媒TiO_2を用いた高分子の光分解"色材,. 71,. 176-185 (1998)
[Publications] N.Serpone,A.Salinaro,H.Hidaka,S.Horikoshi,J.Knowland Dunford,: "Beneficial and deleterious effects of solar radiation"Solar Engineering 1998.J.M.Morehouse & R.E.Hogan, Eds.,ASME, New York,. 287-298 (1998)
[Publications] S.Horikoshi,H.Hidaka,Y.Hisamatsu and N.Serpone,: "Photocatalyzed degradation of polymers in aqueous semiconductor suspensions III. An optimum photooxidation for solid polymers of TiO_2-blended polyvinylchloride film"Environ.Sci.Technol.,. 32,. 4010-4016 (1998)
[Publications] J.Zhao,K.Wu,T.Wu,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone.: "Photodegradation of dyes with poor solubility in an aqueous solubility in an aqueous surfactat/TiO_2 dispersion under visible light irradiation"J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans.,. 94,. 673-676 (1998)
[Publications] T.Wu,G.Liu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Photoassisted degradation of dye pollutants. V. Self-photooxidative transformation of PhB under visible light irradiation in aqueous TiO_2 dispersions"J.Phys.Chem.,B,. 102,. 5848-5851 (1998)
[Publications] J.Zhao,T.Wu,K.Wu,K.Oikawa,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Photoassisted degradation of dye pollutants.III. Evidence for the need of substrate adsorption on TiO_2 particles"Environ.Sci.Technol.,. 32,. 2394-2400 (1998)
[Publications] F.Zhang,J.Zhao,T.Shen,H.Hidaka,E.Pelizzeetti and N.Serpone,: "What becomes of nitrogen in the photoelectrochemical and photocatalyzed mineralization of N-containing substances at titania/water interfaces?"Appl.Catal.B.; Environ.,. 15,. 147-156 (1998)
[Publications] N.Serpone,P.Calze,A Slinaro,L.Cai,A.Emiline,H.Hidaka and E.Pelizzetti,: "Photoassisted degradation of dye pollutants II. Adsorption and degradation kietics of eosin in TiO_2 dispersions under visible light irradiation"Proc.of Conf.of Electrochem.Soc.,August 1997,Paris,. 97-20,. 301-320 (1998)
[Publications] K.Wu,T.Zhang,J.Zhao and H.Hidaka,: "Photodegradation of malachite green in the presence of Fe^<3+>/H_2O_2 under visible light"Chem.Lett.,. 857-858 (1998)
[Publications] Wu,G.Liu,J.Zhao,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Photoassisted degradation of dye pollutants V : Self-photosensitized oxidative transformation of Rhodamine B under visible light irradiation in aqueous TiO_2 dispersions"J.Phys.Chem.,. 102,. 5845-5851 (1998)
[Publications] P.Qu,J.Zhao,T.Shen and H.Hidaka,: "TiO_2-assisted photodegradation of dyes : A study of two competitive primary processes in the degradation of RB in an aqueous TiO_2 colloidal solution"J.Mol.Catal.,. 129,. 257-268 (1998)
[Publications] H.Hidaka,: "Photodegradation of surfactants with TiO_2 semiconductor for the environmental wastewater treatment,"Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(Chem.Sci.),. 110,. 215-228 (1998)
[Publications] J.Zhao,K.Wu,T.Wu,H.Hidaka and N.Serpone,: "Photodegradation of dyes with poor solubility in an aqueous srufactant/TiO_2 dispersion under visible light irradiation,"J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans.,. 94,. 673-676 (1998)