Research Abstract |
As an advanced structural materials for airplane and space-rocket, fiber reinforced Metals (FRM or MMC) are developed and used practically. In the present research, we investigate the micromehcanics of inclusion theoretically and experimetally in order to clarify the strength characteristics of MMC. Results are summurized as : 1. We analyzed rigorously the interaction problems for an infinite elastic solid containing plural inclusions under tension and for an infinite solid containing spheroidal inclusion and a screw dislocation with the use of elasticity, and made clear the effect of size of inclusion and shape ratio and ratio of rigidity on the distributions of displacements and stresses. 2. We tried to solve the problem for an infinite solid having a spheroidal inclusion and an annular crack. under uniform tension, but convergence of series is not good. 3. As thermal stress problem of MMC, we considered the half-space containing a prolate spheroidal inclusion which subject to eigenstrai
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n, and made clear the effect of size of inclusion and shape ratio and ratio of rigidity on the distributions of displacements and stresses. Furthermore, we analyzed numerically non-linear problem of the half-plane containing an elliptic inclusion by boundary element method. At the interface, sliding with friction is allowed. And we made clear stress concentration around the elliptic inclusion. 4. We made low-cycle fatigue test for SUS304 material. An ultrasonic method of nondestructive testing were applied in order to improve in detecting small surface fatigue cracks. The experimental measurements by ultrasonic testing were carried out on surface crack which caused by low-cycle fatigue and artificial defects (slit) To evaluate the cracks, maximum amplitude of reflection echo due to the defects was used, and. we showed above 115 micrometer length of fatigue surface crack can be detected. 5. Crack initiation and exension characteristics of ceramic/metal joints (Si3N4/SUS304 : Cu interlayer) were investigated under cyclic bending loading. Fracture surfaces were examined by SEM and X-ray methods. Crack initiation was occurred at ceramic/interlayer interface at the specimen corner. Even under cyclic compressive loading, cracks were initiated on the ceramic/interlayer interface. Less