Research Abstract |
1) The contents of 8 heavy metals containing Cd in the liver and kidney of wild birds were firstly determined with ICP method in the present study, and then it was evaluated whether they were suitable or not as the monitor of environmental contamination. These birds were, consequently, suggested to play a role as an monitor of environmental contamination because several results were obtained for the correlation among certain elements, multiple contamination by elements, and the relations between the degree of the contamination and reproduction area, foods or living sites etc. Most of these results have already been published as 11. REFERENCES (partly, in submitted for publication). 2) The contamination by L.monocytogense (L.m) in marketed meets and wildlife containing bird were searched as the base study for the investigations of multiple contamination by heavy metals and bacteria, and effects of metals on gene. Multiple contamination by different serotypes was, then, suggested in the marketed meats but not in wildlife. Further, chromosomal DNAs were extracted after the several times' cultures of isolated L.m strains in the medium containing heavy metals (Cd, V, Sn). In the results the base was established for the investigation of the effects of heavy metals on gene from the change in endonuclease cleveage patterns. 3) The uptake of heavy metals was investigated in vitro using isolated organs and culture cell. The relation between the V contents and effects were clarified in guinea-pig taenia coli for the contaminated V which measurement was known to be difficult. Further, the effects of metals on cultured cell (Vero cell) were investigated using V as indicator, then the results were compared with them from isolated organs. Similar results were, then, obtained in the Vero cell though the reaction was faster than those in isolated organs. These results have been partially published as 11. REFERENCES, and more study is in continued examination.