Research Abstract |
1. Research on the involvement of Fas-Fas ligand system in type 1 diabetes mellitus To clarify whether or not the Fas-Fas ligand (FasL)system is involved in the β-cell destruction in human type 1 diabetes, we immunohistochemically analyzed pancreatic biopsy specimen of 13 recent-onset patients. We found that 6 patients had insulitis with Fas expression in both the islets and infiltrating cells. Incidence of Fas positive cells as higher in β-cells than in α-cells. We also found that FasL was expressed exclusively in islet-infiltrating cells. Most prevalent phenotype of FasL positive cells was CD8. We could not detect any Fas-FasL expression in the patients without insulitis. 2. Research on the expression of betacellulin in human pancreas and islet tumor cell lines We immunohistochemically analyzed the expression of betacellulin in human pancreatic tissue and islet cell tumors. We found betacellulin was expressed in α-cells and duct cells, and probably in β-cells in normal human adulttissue. In fetal tissue, strong immunoreactivity to betacellulin was detected in primitive pancreatic duct cells. Both glucagonoma and insulinoma cells also showed positive immunoreactivity to betacellulin. These results suggest that betacellulin may have physiologically important roles such as growth and differentiation of islet cells in human pancreas. 3. Research on a novel subtype of type 1 diabetes mellitus We found that some patients with idiopathic type 1 diabetes show a nonauto-immune, fulminant disorder characterized by the absence of insulitis and of diabetes-related antibodies, a remarkably abrupt onset, and high serum pancreatic enzyme concentration.