Research Abstract |
Genital photoreceptive system of Papilio ・ We demonstrated that the light input from the female genital photoreceptors is crucial for oviposition. ・ We studied lateral asymmetry in the neuronal structure of the vental nervous system, but no clear asymmetry was identified either in males or in females. Color vision system of Papilio ・ We discovered that the compound eye of Papilio contains three different types of ommatidia each bearing different sets of spectralk receptors. These ommatidia distribute rather randomly over the retina. Such organization is widespread among butterflies. ・ We identified a novel retinol-binding protein in the retina of Papilio, and termed the protein as Papilio retinol-binding protein (Papilio RBP). This protein is probably involved in visual pigment turnover. ・ We demonstrated by molecular biology, electrophysiology and histology that the broadband receptors in the Papilio retina appeared to be expressing green-absorbing and red-absorbing visual pigments simultaneously. ・ We demonstrated that neuronal network of lamina cartridges are different between ommatidial types by identifying the structure of the axon termini of spectral receptors specific to each type of ommatidium. ・ We constructed a map of the Papilio brain based on Bodian staining, Golgi staining, and dye injection method. ・ We demonstrated by behavioral experiments that foraging Papilio has color constancy. ・ We established a Y-maze experimental setup and protocol, which will be used to measure spacial revolving power of Papilio visual system, for example ・ We established a training/learning system using monochromatic lights, which will be used to measure wavelength discrimination ability or the foraging Papilio, for example.