[Publications] Kameda,H.,: "Engineering Management of Lifeline Systems under Earthquake Risk,"Proc.of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand.. paper No.2827(CD-ROM). (2000)
[Publications] 蛯沢勝三,久野哲也,柴田勝之,阿部一郎,角本繁,亀田弘行: "多次元地理情報システムDiMSISとの連携が可能な地震情報緊急伝達システムの開発"地域安全学会梗概集. No.10,. 133-136 (2000)
[Publications] 角本繁,畑山満則,亀田弘行,蛯沢勝三: "時空間情報管理による緊急時情報伝達システムの提案"地域安全学会梗概集. No.10,. 129-132 (2000)
[Publications] 浅岡克彦,若林拓史,亀田弘行: "交通システムを中心とする日米の地震対策計画について"自然災害科学. Vol.18,No.4. 449-461 (2000)
[Publications] Clark,W.P.,Aiken,I.D.,Nakashima,M.,M.Miyazaki,and M.Midorikawa,.: "The 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake as a Trigger for the Implementation of New Seismic Design Technologies in Japan,"Lessons Learned Over Time, Learning From Earthquake Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, April. Vol III,. 79-109 (2000)
[Publications] Suita,K.,Nakashima,M.,and Engelhardt,M.D.,: "Comparison of Seismic Capacity between Post-Northridge and Post Kobe Beam-to-Column Connections,"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Behavior of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA'2000), Montreal, Canada,. 271-278 (2000)
[Publications] Nakashima,M.,Roeder,C.W.,and Maruoka,Y.,: "Steel Moment Frames for Earthquakes in the United States and Japan,"Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE. No.8,Vol.126,. 861-868 (2000)
[Publications] 佐藤忠信,室野剛隆,西村昭彦: "観測波に基づく地震動の位相スペクトルのモデル化"土木学会論文集. 640・I-50. 119-130 (2001)
[Publications] Jun YANG,Tadanobu SATO: "Interpretation of Seismic Vertical Amplification Observed at an Array Site"Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 90・2. 275-285 (2000)
[Publications] 佐藤忠信,梶啓介: "非線形構造システムの線形同定法"土木学会論文集. 647・I-51. 155-165 (2000)
[Publications] Victor A.Gotlib,Tadanobu Sato,Abraham I.Beltzer: "Neural Computations of Effective Response of Random Composites"International Journal of Solids and Structures. 37. 4527-4538 (2000)
[Publications] 佐藤忠信,田中悟: "可変減衰装置を用いた構造物の実時間ハイブリッド震動制御実験"土木学会論文集. 647・I-51. 425-433 (2000)
[Publications] Victor A.Gotlib,Tadanobu Sato,Abraham I.Beltzer: "Neural Computing of Effective Properties of Random Composite Materials"Computers and Struetures. 79. 1-6 (2000)
[Publications] 田原慎一朗,塩原等,小谷俊介: "鉄筋コンクリート柱部材における部材変形と損傷量の関係"日本建築学会学術講演梗概集C-2. (2000)
[Publications] Shunsuke Otani et al: "Development of Smart Systems for BUilding Structures"PIE's Seventh Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials March. (2000)
[Publications] Shunsuke Otani: "Seismic Vulnerability Assesment Methods for Buildings in Japan"Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. Vol.2,No.2. (2000)