[Publications] W.Q.Zhu, Z.L.Huang, Y.Suzuki: "Equivalent non-linear system method for stochastically excited and dissipated artially integrable Hamiltonian systems"International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 36・5. 773-786 (2001)
[Publications] W.Q.Zhu, Z.L.Huang, Y.Suzuki: "Response and stability of strongly nonlinear oscillators under wide-band random excitation"Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 36・8. 1235-1250 (2001)
[Publications] S.Saadat, M.Noori, H.Davoodi, Z.Hou, Y.Suzuki, A.Masuda: "Using SMA tendons for vibration control of coastal structures"Journal of Smart Material and Structures. 10. 1-10 (2001)
[Publications] T.Araki, Y.Suzuki: "Seismic damage and reliability analysis of uncertain hysteretic structures based on stochastic differential equations"Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Third Grantees Meeting, 15-16 August 2001, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. 164-171 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Suzuki, K.Katagihara, Y.Iwasa, K.Takata M.Yamamoto, M.Goto, A.Kitahara: "Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Performance of Traditional Wooden Structure by Shaking Table Tests"Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Third Grantees Meeting, 15-16 August 2001, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. 328-337 (2001)
[Publications] 須藤, 佐藤, 星谷: "非構造システムの同定・逆問題におけるデータマイニングによる相関ルール抽出"応用力学論文集. 4. 33-40 (2001)
[Publications] Hoshiya, M., Maruyama, O: "Basic Consideration on Non-linear Filter Theory"4th Japan-Korea Workshop on Non-linear System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring, Kyoto Univ., Feb. 261-268 (2001)
[Publications] Hoshiya, M., Maruyama, O: "State Estimation of Conditional Non-linear Gaussian Random Fields"US-Japn Workshop on Smart Structures, Seattle, August. 7-17 (2001)
[Publications] M.Ohtsu, H.Watanabe: "Quantitative Damage Estimation of Concrete by Acoustic Emission"J. Construction and Building Materials. 15. 217-224 (2001)
[Publications] Z.Shi, M.htsu, M.Suzuki, Y.Hibino: "Numerical Analysis of multiple Cracks in Concrete Usin the Discrete Approach"J. Structural Engineering, ASCE. 127・9. 1085-1091 (2001)
[Publications] Z.Shi, M.Ohtsu: "Application of Linear Programming to the limit Analysis of Conical-Shaped Steel Water Tank"J. Structural Engineering. 127・11. 1316-1323 (2001)
[Publications] 渡辺弘史, 村上祐治, 大津政康: "AE法に基づいたコンクリートの定量的損傷度評価法の考察"材料. 50・12. 1370-1374 (2002)
[Publications] 慶 済運, 大津政康: "自然電位の逆解析法に関する研究"セメント協会論文集(Cement Science and Concrete Technology). 55. 271-277 (2001)
[Publications] M.Ohtsu, T.Watanabe: "Stack Imaging of Spectral Amplitudes based on Impact-Echo for Flaw Detection"NDT & E International. 35. 189-196 (2002)
[Publications] N.Takeda: "Recent Advances in Structural Health Monitoring in Japanese Smart Material/Structure System Project"Nondestructive Characterization of Materials X, Green et al.(Eds), Elsevier. 11-18 (2001)
[Publications] N.Takeda: "Summary Report of the Structutural Health-Monitoring Project for Smart Composite Structure Systems"Adv. Composite Mater. 10・2-3. 107-118 (2001)
[Publications] J.B.Park, T.Okabe, N.Takeda, W.A.Curtin: "Electomechanical Modelimg of Unidirectional CFRP Composites Under Tensile Loading Condition"Composites: Part A. 33. 267-275 (2002)
[Publications] 畑 宏明, 曽根 彰, 増田 新: "入力と加速度観測波形のウェーブレット変換によるシステムパラメータの同定"日本機械学会論文集(C編). 67・658. 1735-1742 (2001)
[Publications] Akira Sone, Arata Masuda, Hiroaki Hata: "Identification of System Parameters of Structures by Wavelet Transform of Observed Input and Acceleration Response"Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 428-1. 159-166 (2001)
[Publications] M.Noori, F.G.Yuan, S.Saadat, Z.Hou, A.Hera, A.Masuda, A.Sone: "Recent and On-Going Efforts in Structural Health Monitoring"Proceedings of US-Japan Workshop on Smart Structures for Improved Seismic Performance in Urban Regions. 31-43 (2001)
[Publications] Ryutaro Segawa, Akira Sone, Arata Masuda: "System Identification of MDOF Structures by Wavelet Transform"Proceedings of US-Japan Workshop on Smart Structures for Improved Seismic Performance in Urban Regions. 71-80 (2001)
[Publications] Tadatoshi Furukawa, Masashi Ito, Kiyoji lzawa, Mohammad Noori: "System Identification of Base-Isolated Building using Seismic Response Data"Proceedings U.S.-Japan Joint Workshop and Third Grantees Meeting, U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research on Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation. 184-197 (2001)
[Publications] Michiyuki Hirokane, Koichi Harakawa, Hitoshi Furuta: "Knowledge acquisition from cases for integrity assessment of bridge structures"Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, eds. by Andrzej S. Nowak and Maria M. Szerszen, The University of Michigan. (2001)
[Publications] Masahiro Dogaki, Hitoshi Furuta, Dan Frangopol: "Optimal maintenance planning for reinforced concrete decks of steel girder bridges on highway network"Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, eds. by Andrzej S. Nowak and Maria M. Szerszen, The University of Michigan. (2001)
[Publications] Hitoshi Furuta, Makiko Saito, Dan M.Frangopol: "Life-cycle cost based maintenance of infrastructure systems considering prediction uncertainties"Life-Cycle Cost Analysis and Design of Civil Infrastructure Systems, eds. by Dan M. Frangopol and H. Furuta, ASCE. (2001)
[Publications] Masahiro Dogaki, Hitoshi Furuta, Dan M.Frangopol: "Optimal maintenance planning of reinforced concrete decks on highway network"Life-Cycle Cost Analysis and Design of Civil Infrastructure Systems, eds. by Dan M. Frangopol and H. Furuta. ASCE. (2001)
[Publications] K.Kawashima, B.F.Spencer Jr., Y.Suzuki (編著): "Proceedings of US-Japan Workshop on Smart Structures for Improved Seismic Performance in Urban Regions, August 14, 2001, Seattle, WA, USA"248 (2001)