[Publications] J.Akimitsu: "Antiferromagnetism and Spin Gap State in the two-leg Ladder System"J.Phys.Chem.Sol.. 65. 135-140 (2001)
[Publications] J.Nagamatsu, N.Nakagawa, T.Muranaka, Y.Zenitani, J.Akimitsu: "Superconductivity at 39K in magnesium diboride"Nature. Vol.410, No.6824. 63-64 (2001)
[Publications] C.Sekar, T.Watanabe, A.Matsuda, H.Shibata, Y.Zenitani, J.Akimitsu: "Crystal Growth, Structure, and Transport Properties of the Five-Leg Spin Ladder Compound La_8Cu_7O_<19>"J.Sol.Sta.Chem.. 156. 422-427 (2001)
[Publications] 秋光 純: "新しい金属系超伝導体の発見"日経サイエンス. 6月号. 36-42 (2001)
[Publications] 秋光 純: "エキゾチックなホウ素化合物"日本物理学会誌(学界ニュース). Vol.56, No.4. 267-268 (2001)
[Publications] T.Muranaka, S.Margadonna, I.Maurin, K.Brigatti, D.Colognesi, K.Prassides, Y.Iwasa, M.Arai, M.Takata, J.Akimitsu: "Vibrational Spectroscopy of Superconducting MgB_2 by Neutron Inelastic Scattering"J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.. Vol.70, Np.6. 1480-1482 (2001)
[Publications] T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu, M.Sera: "Thermal transport properties of MgB_2"Phys.Rev.B. Vol.64. 020505-1-020505-3 (2001)
[Publications] K.Prassides, Y.Iwasa, T.Ito, H.Chi, K.Uehara, E.Nishibori, M.Takata, M.Sakata, Y.Ohishi, O.Shimomura, T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu: "Compressibility of the MgB_2 superconductor"Phys.Rev.B. Vol.64. 012509-1-012509-4 (2001)
[Publications] T.Takahashi, T.Sato, S.Souma, T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu: "High-Resolution Photoemission Study of MgB_2"Phys.Rev.Lett.. Vol.86 No.21. 4915-4917 (2001)
[Publications] B.Gorshunov, C.A.Kuntscher, P.Haas, M.Dressel, F.P.Mena, A.B.Kuz'menko, D.van der Marel, T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu: "Optical measurements of the superconducting gap in MgB_2"Eur.Phys.J.B. 21. 159-161 (2001)
[Publications] E.Nishibori, M.Takata, M.Sakata, H.Tanaka, T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu: "Bonding Nature in MgB_2"J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.. Vol.70 No.8. 2252-2254 (2001)
[Publications] H.Ohta, S.Okubo, T.Sakurai, T.Goto, K.Kirita, K.Ueda, Y.Uwatoko, T.Saito, M.Azuma, M.Takano, J.Akimitsu: "High-frequency ESR measurements using pulsed magnetic fields in Kobe"Physica B. Vol.294-295. 624-629 (2001)
[Publications] S.Okubo, T.Yamada, H.Ohta, T.Yokoo, J.Akimitsu, H.Nojiri, M.Motokawa: "High-field AFMR measurements of Nd_2BaNiO_5 single crystal in the submillimeter wave region"Physica B. 294-295. 51-54 (2001)
[Publications] R.Kadono, W.Higemoto, A.Koda, K.Ohishi, T.Yokoo, J.Akimitsu, M.Hedo, Y.Inada, Y.Onuki, E.Yamamoto, Y.Haga: "Possible nodal vortex state in CeRu_2"Phys.Rev.B. Vol.63. 224520-1-224520-16 (2001)
[Publications] M.Sera, H.Ichikawa, T.Yokoo, J.Akimitsu, M.Nishi, K.Kakurai, S.Kunii: "Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Field Induced Antiferromagnetic Moment in the Antiferroquadrupolar Orderd State of CeB_6"Phys.Rev.Lett.. Vol.86, No.8. 1578-1581 (2001)
[Publications] 秋光 純: "RuSr_2RECu_2O_8(RE=Sm, Eu, Gd, Y)における超伝導と磁性の共存"固体物理. Vol.36, No.7. 413-418 (2001)
[Publications] J.Akimitsu, K.Takenawa, K.Suzuki, H.Harima, Y.Kuramoto: "High-Temperature Ferromagnetism in CaB_2C_2"Science. Vol.293. 1125-1127 (2001)
[Publications] Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa: "Critical Phenomena of Ferromagnetic Transition in Double-Exchange Systems"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 70・6. 1487 (2001)
[Publications] Nobuo Furukawa: "Antiferromagnetism of the Hubbard Model on a Layered Honeycomb Lattice-Is MgB_2 a Nearly-Antiferromagnetic Metal?-"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 70・6. 1483 (2001)
[Publications] Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa: "Non-equilibrium Relaxation Study of Ferromagnetic Transition in Double-Exchange Systems"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 70・9. 2802 (2001)
[Publications] Nobuo Furukawa, Yukitoshi Motome, Hisaho Nakata: "Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Double Exchange Model Optimized for Parallel Computations"Computer Physics Communications. 142-1. 410 (2001)
[Publications] Nobuo Furukawa, Y.Shimomura, T.Akimoto, Y.Moritomo: "Magnon scattering processes and low temperature resistivity in CMR manganites"Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 226-230. 782 (2001)
[Publications] Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa: "Anomaly in Spin Excitation Spectrum of Double-Exchange Systems with Randomness"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 71・5(to be published, 未定). (2002)
[Publications] Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa: "Impurity Effect on Ferromagnetic Transition in Double-Exchange Systems"Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. (to be published, 未定). (2002)
[Publications] Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa: "Critical Exponents for the Ferromagnetism in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites"Applied Physics A.. (to be published, 未定). (2002)
[Publications] T.Asaka, S.Yamada, S.Tsutsumi, C.Tsuruta, K.Kimoto, T.Arima, Y.Matsui: "Charge/Orbital Ordering Structure of Pr_<1-x>Ca_xMnO_3(x=3/8) Examined by Low-Temperature Transmission Electron Microscopy"Phys.Rev.Lett.. 88・9. 097201 (2002)
[Publications] T.Asaka, S.Tsutsumi, S.Yamada, T.Arima, C.Tsuruta, K.Kimoto, Y.Matsui: "Charge/Orbital ordering structure and microstructure of Pr1-xCa_xMnO_3($x<0.5$) studied by low-temperature TEM"Physica C. 357-360. 313-317 (2001)
[Publications] E.Saito, T.Taknenobu, T.Ito, Y.Iwasa, K.Prassides, T.Arima: "Pressure dependence of T-c in the MgB_2 superconductor as probed by resistivity measurements"J.Phys.-Cond.Matt.. 13. L267-L270 (2001)
[Publications] M.v.Zimmermann, C.S.Nelson, Y.-J.Kim, J.P.Hill, D.Gibbs, H.Nakao, Y.Wakabayashi, Y.Murakami, Y.Tokura, Y.Tomioka, T.Arima, C.-C.Kao, D.Casa, C.Venkataraman, Th.Gog: "Resonant x-ray-scattering study of octahedral tilt ordering in LaMnO_3 and Pr_<1-x>Ca_xMnO_3"Phys.Rev.B. 64・6. 064411 (2001)
[Publications] M.Kubota, K.Hirota, Y.Endoh, et al.: "Examination of spin fluctuations within the MnO_2 layers in a bilayer manganite La_<1.1>Sr_<1.9>Mn_2O_7"J.Phys.Chem.Solids. Vol.62. 317-319 (2001)
[Publications] K.Tsuda, M.Tanaka, K.Hirota, Y.Endoh: "Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction Study of the Low-Temperature Ferromagnetic Insulator Phase of La_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3(x=0.11, 0.12)"J.Phys.Soc.Japan. Vol.70. 1010-1014 (2001)
[Publications] D.E.Cox, K.Hirota, Y.Endoh, et al.: "Vertical boundary at x  ̄0.11 in the structural phase diagram of the La_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3 system (0.08<=x<=0.125)"Physical Review B. Vol.64, 2. 24431:1-9 (2001)
[Publications] A.Koizumi, K.Hirota, et al.: "Study of the e_g Orbitals in the Bilayer Manganite La_<2-2x>Sr_<1+2x>Mn_2O_7 by using Magnetic Compton-Profile Measurement"Physical Review Letters. Vol.86. 5589-5592 (2001)
[Publications] T.Matsumura, K.Hirota, Y.Endoh, et al.: "Observation of the antiferroquadrupolar order in DyB_2C_2 by resonant x-ray scattering"Physical Review B. Vol.62, 9. 094420:1-11 (2002)
[Publications] K.Hirota, Y.Endoh, et al.: "Spin dynamical properties and orbital states of the layered perovskite La_<2-2x>Sr_<1+2x>Mn_2O_7(0.3<=x<0.5)"Physical Review B. Vol.65, 6. 064414:1-10 (2002)
[Publications] 藤井保彦編 (廣田和馬, 村上洋一他): "実験物理学講座5:構造解析 (第5章 トピックス 放射光-中性子-電子線による軌道秩序の観測 [pp.325-362])"丸善. 392 (2001)