[Publications] 岩政貴久恵, 小森浩章, 新谷泰成, 長谷川均, 酒井郁也, 藤田繁, 吉田美奈子, 能勢眞人: "Calf Painで発症したミエロペルオキシダーゼに対する抗好中球細胞質抗体(MPO-ANCA)弱陽性Polyarteritis Nodosaの1症例"リウマチ. 41. 875-879 (2001)
[Publications] Takahashi S, Araki K, Araki M, Ito MR, Nakatani K, Fujii H, Izui S, Zassalli P, Nose M: "Suppression of experimental lupus nephritis by aberrant expression of the solubl E-selectin gene"Pathol Int. (in press).
[Publications] Kamogawa J, Terada M, Mizuki S, Nishihara M, Yamamoto H, Mori S, Abe Y, Morimoto K, Nakatsuru S, Nakamura Y, Nose M: "Arthritis in MRL/lpr mice is under the control of multiple gene loci wit an allelic combination derived from the original inbred strains"Arthritis Rheum. (in press).
[Publications] Ishizu A, Ogawa Y, Ishikura H, Yoshiki T: "Anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibody with specific reactivity with vascular endothelial cells in rat glomeruli"Acta Histochem. 103. 279-286 (2001)
[Publications] Nakamaru Y, Ishizu A, Ikeda H, Sugaya T, Fugo K, Higuchi M, Yamazaki H, Yoshiki T: "Immunological hyperresponsiveness in HTLV-I LTR-env-pX transgenic rats : a prototype animal model for collagen vascular an HTLV-I-related inflammatory diseases"Pathobiology. 69. 11-18 (2001)
[Publications] Sugaya T, Ishizu A, Ikeda H, Nakamaru Y, Fugo K, Higuchi M, Yamazaki H, Imai K, Yoshiki T: "Clonotypic analysis of T cells accumulating at arthritic lesions in HTLV-I env-pX transgenic rats"Exp Mol Pathol. 72. 56-61 (2002)
[Publications] Tsukamoto Y, Matsuo N, Zawa K, Hori O, Higashi T, Nishizaki J, Tohnai I, Kawano K, Yutani C, Hirota S, Kitamura Y, Stem DM, Ogawa S: "Expression of a novel RNA-splicing factor, RA301/Tra2β, in vascular lesions and its role in smooth muscle cell proliferation"Am J Pathol. 158. 1685-1694 (2001)
[Publications] 鈴木淳子, 富田幸子, 中澤 誠, 小松敬子, 由谷親夫, 川瀬昌司, 大塚拓治, 川端健二: "川崎病血管炎の免疫組織化学的検討"Prog Med. 21. 1676-1678 (2001)
[Publications] Ikeda Y, Yonemitsu Y, Ishibashi T, Murata T, Ueno H, Kato A, Nagai Y, Fukumura M, Inomata H, Hasegawa M, Sueishi K: "Recombinant Sendai virus-mediated gene transfer to the retinal tissue of adult rats : efficient gene transfer by brief exposure"Exp Eye Res. (in press).
[Publications] Nakashima Y, Chen Y-X, Kinukawa N, Sueishi K: "Distributions of diffuse intimal thickening in human arteries : prefential expression in atherosclerosis-prone arteries from an early age"Virchows Arch. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Yonemitsu Y, Komori K, Sueishi K, Sugimachi K: "Gene therapy in vascular surgery comes of age"Surgery. 131. S261-S268 (2002)
[Publications] Masaki I, Yonemitsu Y, Komori K, Ueno H, Nakashima Y, Nakagawa K, Fukumura M, Kato A, Hasan M, Nagai Y, Sugimachi K, Hasegawa M, Sueishi K: "Recombinant Sendai virus-mediated gene transfer to vasculature : a new class of efficient gene transfer vector to the vascular system"FASEB J. 15. 1294-1296 (2001)
[Publications] Uzuki M, Sasano H, Muramatsu Y, Totsune K, Oki Y, Takahashi K, Iino K, Sawai T: "Urocortin in the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis"Clinical Science. 100. 577-589 (2001)
[Publications] Kurose A, Yoshida W, Yoshida M, Sawai T: "Effects of paclitaxel on cultured synovial cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis"Cytometry. 44. 349-354 (2001)
[Publications] Nakazawa F, Matsuno H, Yudoh K, Katayama R, Sawai T, Uzuki M, Kimura T: "Methotrexate inhibits rheumatoid synovitis by inducing apoptosis"J Rheumatol. 28. 1800-1808 (2001)
[Publications] 澤井高志, 宇月美和, 柴田祐二, 岩崎真弓, 三宮彰仁, 藤川博康, 中島 洋: "生検像と臨床所見からHypereosinophilic Syndrome(HES)が疑われた症例"脈管学. (in press).
[Publications] 松本俊治, 福村由紀, 須田耕一: "膠原病における肝、胆管、膵の病理所見"胆と膵. 22. 397-402 (2001)
[Publications] 神谷康司, 中林公正, 有村義宏, 長澤俊彦: "MPO-ANCA関連血管炎"日臨免会誌. 23. 661-664 (2001)
[Publications] 有村義宏, 丸茂朋史, 藤井亜砂美, 中林公正, 長澤俊彦: "膠原病と自己抗体.抗好中球細胞質抗体(ANCA)-ELISAによるANCA測定-"臨床病理. 49. 571-574 (2001)
[Publications] 中林公正, 神谷康司, 斉藤生朗: "膠原病関連大型血管炎の発症に関与する因子と治療法に関する臨床的解析"脈管学. 41. 397-401 (2001)
[Publications] 神谷康司, 有村義宏, 中林公正: "血管炎における好中球の役割"Medicina. 38. 975-977 (2001)
[Publications] Kitoh A, Nobuhara S, Takahashi K, Nishigori C, Miyachi Y: "Churg-Strauss syndrome with renal involvement : A case report"J Dermatol. 28. 71-74 (2001)
[Publications] Matsumura Y, Tomimoto H, Yamamoto M, Imamura S, Miyachi Y: "Sneddon syndrome with multiple cerebral infarctions 12 years after the onset of Livedo vasculitis : A possible involvement of platelet activation"J Dermatol. 28. 508-510 (2001)
[Publications] Yamaoka J, Kabashima K, Kawanishi M, Toda KI, Miyachi Y: "Cytotoxicity of IFN-γ and TNF-α for vascular endothelial cell is mediated by nitric oxide"Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (in press).
[Publications] Shimizu D, Fujiwara T, Kon K, Issiki N, Tsunokuni H: "Three-dimensional reconstruction by scanning electron microscopy from serial epoxy resin semi-thin sections after ion-etching"J Electr Microsc. 50. 51-55 (2001)
[Publications] 小林 靖, 沼野藤夫: "血管炎症候群-分子レベルの解析から臨床まで;高安動脈炎の病根と分子遺伝学的解析"日本内科学会雑誌. 90. 90-93 (2001)
[Publications] Kobayashi Y, Numano F: "Takayasu Arteritis"Internal Medicine. 41. 44-46 (2001)
[Publications] Hasegawa H, Fjita S: "Chemokines and lymphocytes : The role of chemokines and their receptors in the immune system"Cell Mol Biol. 47. 599-607 (2001)
[Publications] Nomura T, Hasegawa H, Kohno M, Fujita S: "Enhancement of anti-tumor immunity by tumor cells transfected with the secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine EBI-1-ligand chemokine and stromal cell-derived factor-1α chemokine genes"Int J Cancer. 91. 597-606 (2001)
[Publications] 石津明洋, 吉木 敬: "血管炎のモデル動物.血管炎(長澤俊彦監修、橋本博史編集)"朝倉書店. 365 (2001)
[Publications] 黒瀬 顕, 澤井高志: "血管炎における組織損傷機序.血管炎(長澤俊彦監修、橋本博史編集)"朝倉書店. 365 (2001)
[Publications] 松本俊治, 三田村美紀子: "病理形態的・免疫組織化学的診断.血管炎(長澤俊彦監修・橋本博史編集)"朝倉書店. 365 (2001)
[Publications] 中林公正: "結節生多発動脈炎.血管炎(長澤俊彦監修、橋本博史編集)"朝倉書店. 365 (2001)
[Publications] 宮地良樹: "血栓性静脈炎.皮膚疾患最新の治療(新村眞人、瀧川雅治編)"南江堂. (2001)