[Publications] Sudo, H., Jiang, H., Yasukawa, T., Hashimoto, Y., Niikura, T., Kawasumi, M., Matsuda, S., Takeuchi, Y., Aiso, S., Matsuoka, M., Murayama, Y., Nishimoto, I.: "Antibody-regulated neurotoxic function of cell-surface β-amyloid precursor protein"Molecular & cellular Neuroscinence. (In press). (2000)
[Publications] Hashimoto, Y., Niikura, T., Jiang, H., Ito, Y., Hagiwara, A, Umezawa, K., Abe, Y., Murayama, Y., Nishimoto, I.: "Neuronal apoptosis by apolipoprotein E4 through low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein and heterotrimeric GTPases"The Journal of Neuroscience. (In press). (2000)
[Publications] Hashimoio, Y., Niikura, T., Ito, Y., Nishimoto, I.: "Multiple mechanisms un derlie neurotoxicity by different types of Alzheimer's disease mutations of amyloid precursor protein"The Journal of Biological Chemrstry. (In press). (2000)
[Publications] Niikura, T., Murayama, N., Hashimoto, Y., Ito, Y., Yamagishi, Y., Matsuoka, M., Takeuchi, Y., Aiso, S., Nishimoto, I.: "V6421 APP-inducible Neuronal Cells : A Model System for Investigating Alzheimer's Disorders"Biochemical and Biophysical Rearch Communications. 274. 445-454 (2000)
[Publications] Matsuoka, M., Matsuura, Y., Semba, K., Nishimoto, I.: "Molecular cloning of a cyclin-like protein assciated with cyclin-dependent kinase 3(cdk3)in vivo"Biochemical and Biophysical Rearch Communications. 273. 442-447 (2000)
[Publications] Orcel, P., Tajima, H., Murayama, Y., Fujita, T., Setphen M.Krane, S.M., Ogata, E., Goldring, S.R., Nishimoto, I.: "Multiple domains interacting with Gs in the porcine calcitonin receptor"Molcular Endocrinology. 14. 170-182 (2000)