[Publications] Fukui T,Hayashi Y,Kagami H,Yamamoto N,Fukuhara H,Tohnai I,Ueda M,Mizuno M,Yoshida J.: "Suicide gene therapy for human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines with adeno-associated virus vector."Oral Oncology . (in press).
[Publications] Kageshita T,Mizuno M,Saida T,Yoshida J.: "Growth inhibition of human malignant melanoma transfected with the human interferon-β gene by means of cationic liposomes."Melamoma Res. (in press).
[Publications] Natsume A,Tsujimura K,Mizuno M,Takahashi T,and Yoshida J.: "IFN-βgene therapy induces systemic antitumor immunity against malignant glioma."J Neuro-Oncol. (in press).
[Publications] Yoshida.T,Mizuno M,Taniguchi K,Nakayashiki N,Wakabayashi T,YoshidaJ.: "Rat glioma cell death induced by cationic liposome-mediated transfer of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene folowed by ganciclovir trestment."J.Surgical Oncol.. 30. 1-7 (2001)
[Publications] Kasuya H,Mizuno M,Yoshida J,Nishiyama Y,Nomoto S,Nakao A.: "Combined effects of adeno-associated virus vector and a herpes simplex virus mutant as neoplastic therapy."J Surg Oncol. 71. 214-218 (2000)
[Publications] Shinoura N,Koike H,Furitu T,Hashimoto M,Asai A,Kirino T,Hamada H.: "Adenovirus-mediated transfer of caspase-8 augments cell death in glioma : Implication for gene therapy."Hum Gene Ther. 11. 1123-1137 (2000)
[Publications] Okamura T,Kurisu K,Yamanoto W,Takano H,Nishiyama M.: "NADPH/quinone oxidoreductase is a priority target of glioblastoma chemotherapy."Int J Oncol. 16. 295-303 (2000)
[Publications] Hama S,Matsuura S,Tauchi H,Sawada J,Kato C,Yamasaki F,Yoshioka H,Sugiyama K,Arita K,Kurisu K,Kamada N,Heike Y,Komatsu K.: "Absence of mutation in the NBS1 gene in B-cell malignant lymphoma patients."Anticancer Res. 20. 1897-1900 (2000)
[Publications] Ryuke Y,Mizuno M,Natsume A,and Yoshida J.: "Transduction Efficiency of Adenoviral Vectors Into Human Glioma Cells Increased By Association With Cationic Liposomes."Neurol Med Chir. 40. 256-260 (2000)
[Publications] Natsume A,Mizuno M,Ryuke Y,and Yoshida J.: "Cationic liposome conjugation to recombinant adenoviral vector reduces viral antigenicity."Jpn J Cancer Res. 91. 363-367 (2000)
[Publications] Hatano N,Wakabayashi T,Kajita Y,Mizuno M,Ohno T,Nakayashiki N,Takemura A,Yoshida J.: "Efficacy of post operative adjuvant therapy with human interferon beta, MCNU and radiation (IMR) for malignant glioma : Comparison among three protocol."Acta Neurochirurgica. 142. 633-639 (2000)
[Publications] Wakabayashi T,Hatano N,Kajita Y,Yoshida T,Mizuno M,Taniguchi K,Ohno T,Nagasaka T,Yoshida J.: "Initial and maintenance combined therapy treatment with interferon-β, MCNU (Ranimustine), and radiotherapy for patients with previously untreated maligannt glioma."J Neuro-Oncol. 49. 57-62 (2000)
[Publications] Yamasaki F,Yoshioka H,Hama S,Sugiyama K,Arita K,Kurusu K.: "Recurrence of meningioma Influence of vascular endothelial growth factor."Cancer. 89. 1102-1109 (2000)
[Publications] Hao Yu-Jun, 夏目敦至,水野正明,谷口克巳,若林俊彦,吉田純: "培養ヒトグリオーマ細胞におけるII型DNAトポイソメラーゼ発現量とEtoposide(ETP)感受性に関する検討"癌と化学療法. 9. 1403-1409 (2000)