[Publications] Matsumura, N., Nishijo, H., Tamura, R., Eifuku, S., Endo, S. and Ono, T.: "Spatial- and task-dependent neuronal responses during real and virtual translocation in the monkey hippocampal formation"J. Neurosci. 19. 2381-2393 (1999)
[Publications] Kimura, T., Tamura, R., Kurimoto, H, and Ono, T.: "Effects of T-588, a newly synthesized cognitive enhancer, on hippocampal CA1 neurons in rat brain tissue slices."Brain Res.. 831. 175-183 (1999)
[Publications] Zhou, L. T., Tamura, R., Kuriwaki, J. and Ono, T.: "Comparison of medial and lateral septal neuron activity during performance of spatial tasks in rats."Hippocampus. 9. 220-234 (1999)
[Publications] Takenouchi, K., Nishijo, H., Uwano, T., Tamura, R., Takigawa, M. and Ono, T.: "Emotional and behavioral correlates of the anterior cingulate cortex during associative learning in rats."Neuroscience. 93. 1271-1287 (1999)
[Publications] Ono, T. and Nishijo, H.: "Active spatial information processing in the septo-hippocampal system."Hippocampus. 9. 458-466 (1999)
[Publications] Martin, P. D., Nishijo, H. and Ono, T.: "A combined electrophysiological and video data acquisition system using a single computer."J. Neurosci. Method. 92. 169-177 (1999)
[Publications] Tamura, R., Nakada, Y., Nishijo, H., Miyake, N. and Ono T.: "Ameliorative effects of tamolarizine on place learning impairment induced by transient brain ischemia in rats."Brain Res.. 853. 81-92 (2000)
[Publications] Yonemori, M., Nishijo, H., Uwano, T., Tamura, R., Furuta, I., Kawasaki, M., Takashima, Y. and Ono, T.: "Orbital cortex neuronal responses during an odor-based conditioned associative task in rats."Neuroscience. 95. 691-703 (2000)
[Publications] Tanebe, K., Nishijo, H., Muraguchi, A. and Ono, T.: "Effects of chronic stress on hypothalamic interleukin-1β, interleukin-2, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in ovariectomized rats."J. Neuroendocrinol.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Nishijo, H., Ono, T., Uwano, T., Kondoh, T and Torii, K.: "Hypothalamic and amygdalar neuronal responses to various sapid solutions during ingestive behavior in rats."J. Nutrition. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Gejo, R., Kawaguchi, Y., Kondoh, T., Tabuchi, E., Matsui, H., Torii, K., Ono, T. and Kimura, T.: "Magnetic resonance imaging and histological evidence of postoperative back muscle injury in rats."Spine. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Zhong, Y,-M., Nishijo, H., Uwano, T., Tamura, R., Kawanishi, K. and Ono, T.: "Red ginseng ameliorated place navigation deficits in young rats with hippocampal lesions and aged rats."Physiol. Behav.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] 上野照子,小野武年: "不安の生理的背景-扁桃体と情動-"Clinical Neuroscience. 17. 742-747 (1999)
[Publications] 小野武年,永福智志: "情動の発現と制御"医学の歩み. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] Ono, T. and Nishijo, H.: "Neurophysiological basis of emotion in primates: neuronal responses in the monkey amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex. In: The New Cognitive Neuroscience (Ed. by M.S. Gazzaniga)"MIT Press. 1099-1114 (1999)
[Publications] 永福智志,小野武年: "情動を発現するニューロン機構 感情と行動の仕組み 細胞工学別冊「脳を知る」久野宗監修"秀潤社. 117-128 (1999)
[Publications] 小野武年,西条寿夫: "情動・行動のシステム.岩波講座・現代医学の基礎第7巻「脳・神経の科学II-脳の高次機能」(外山敬介,酒田英夫編)"岩波書店(印刷中). (2000)