[Publications] Yonemori,M.,Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Tamura,R.,Furuta,I.,Kawasaki,M.,Takashima,Y.and Ono,T.: "Orbital cortex neuronal responses during an odor-based conditioned associative task in rats."Neurosciece. 95. 691-703 (2000)
[Publications] Tanebe,K.,Nishijo,H.,Muraguchi,A.and Ono,T.: "Effects of chronic stress on hypothalamic interleukin-1 β, interleukin-2, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in ovariectomized rats."J.Neuroendocrinol.. 12. 13-21 (2000)
[Publications] Tamura,R.,Nakada,Y.,Nishijo,H.,Miyake,N.and Ono,T.: "Ameliorative effects of tamolarizine on place learning impairment induced by transient forebrain ischemia in rats."Brain Res.. 853. 81-92 (2000)
[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Ono,T.,Uwano,T.,Kondoh,T.and Torii,K.: "Hypothalamic and amygdalar neuronal responses to various tastant solutions during ingestive behavior in rats."J.Nutrition (Supplement). 130. 9545-9595 (2000)
[Publications] Kondoh,T.,Mori,M.,Ono,T.and Torii,K.: "Mechanisms of umami taste preference and aversion in rats."J.Nutrition (Supplement). 130. 9665-9705 (2000)
[Publications] Gejo,R.,Kawaguchi,Y.,Kondoh,T.,Tabuchi,E.,Matsui,H.,Torii,K.,Ono,T.and Kimura,T.: "Magnetic resonance imaging and histologic evidence of postoperative back muscle injury in rats."Spine. 25. 941-946 (2000)
[Publications] Yamamura,J.,Kageyama,S.,Uwano,T.,Kurokawa,M.,Imakita,M.and Shiraki,K.: "Long-term gene expression in the anterior horn motor neurons after intramuscular inoculation of a live herpes simplex virus vector."Gene Therapy. 7. 934-941 (2000)
[Publications] Zhong,Y.M.,Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Tamura,R.,Kawanishi,K.and Ono,T.: "Red ginseng ameliorated place navigation deficits in young rats with hippocampal lesions and aged rats."Physiol.Behav.. 69. 511-525 (2000)
[Publications] Ono,T.,Nishijo,H.and Nishino,H.: "Functional role of the limbic system and basal ganglia in motivated behaviors."J.Neurol.. 247. 23-32 (2000)
[Publications] Martin,P.D.and Ono,T.: "Effects of reward anticipation, reward presentation, and spatial parameters on the firing of single neurons recorded in the subiculum and nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats."Behav.Brain Res. 116. 23-38 (2000)
[Publications] 小野武年,西条寿夫,上野照子,鐘咏梅: "老齢ラットの場所学習障害に対する非サポニン分画の改善効果."The GINSENG REVIEW. 28. 30-39 (2000)
[Publications] 梅野克身,永嶋義直,高倉大匡,矢田幸博,堀悦郎,小野武年,西条寿夫: "暗算負荷中の呼吸循環動態および脳波の線形解析."自律神経. 37. 572-579 (2000)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "情動."Clin.Neurosci.. 18. 910-911 (2000)
[Publications] Tamura R,Kondoh T,Ono T,Nishijo H,Torii,K: "Altered activity of lateral and medial hypothalamic neurons in rats during discrimination of conditioned cue tone stimuli in repeated cold stress."J.Neurophysiol.. 84. 2844-2858 (2000)
[Publications] Nakada Y,Tamura R,Kimura T,Uwano T,Nishijo H,Ono T:: "Ameliorative effects of a cognitive enhancer, T-588, on place learning deficits induced by transient forebrain ischemia in rats."Physiol.Behav.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Nishimura FT,Fukunaga T,Nishijo H,Ono T,Kajiura H,Yokomukai Y: "EEG spectral characteristics after alcohol ingestion in Japanese men with aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 genetic variations : Comparison with peripheral changes."Alcoholism : Clinical and Expermental Research. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Tamura,R.and Ono,T.: "Neural substrate for spatial memory in the monkey hippocampus.In Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia, by C.Tanaka,Y.Ihara and P.L.McGeer (Eds.)"Birkhauser Verlag Basel : Switzerland. 43-49 (2001)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "多連ガラス微小電極法.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)I.総論8.脳の研究手法8.3"朝倉書店:東京. 75-79 (2000)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "海馬体.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)II.脳のシステム2.記憶と学習2.6"朝倉書店:東京. 187-195 (2000)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "摂食行動.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)II.脳のシステム4.行動,情動4.1本能行動,4.1.1"朝倉書店:東京. 234-244 (2000)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "快・不快情動行動.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)II.脳のシステム4.行動,情動4.2"朝倉書店:東京. 261-273 (2000)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "脳幹.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)II.脳のシステム4.行動,情動4.3行動の機能局在,4.3.1"朝倉書店:東京. 274-280 (2000)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "辺縁系.脳科学大事典(甘利俊一,外山敬介編集)II.脳のシステム4.行動,情動4.3行動の機能局在,4.3.2"朝倉書店:東京. 281-292 (2000)
[Publications] 小野武年: "うま味認知の脳内機構.グルタミン酸の科学-うま味から神経伝達まで(栗原堅三,小野武年,渡辺明治,林裕造共著)第3章"講談社サイエンティフィック:東京. 49-92 (2000)
[Publications] 小野武年: "脳における神経伝達物質としてのグルタミン酸.グルタミン酸の科学-うま味から神経伝達まで(栗原堅三,小野武年,渡辺明治,林裕造共著) 第4章"講談社サイエンティフィック:東京. 93-112 (2000)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "自己定位と現実感.バーチャルリアリティの基礎1 人工現実感の基礎"培風館:東京. 174-187 (2000)
[Publications] 小野武年,西条寿夫,上野照子: "紅蓼の中枢神経作用に関する神経生理学的および行動学的研究.薬用人蓼2000(熊谷朗監修)"共立出版:東京. 66-82 (2000)