[Publications] 内藤久資: "4次元多様体上のYang-Mills heat flowの小さな初期値をもつ解について"数理解析研究所講究録. 1076. 57-64 (1999)
[Publications] 内藤久資: "高次元におけるYang-Mills heat flowの解の爆発について"数理解析研究所講究録. 1117. 36-43 (1999)
[Publications] 佐藤肇: "Schwarzian derivatives of Contact diffcomorphiswas"Lobacheoshii J.Math.. 4. 89-98 (1999)
[Publications] 佐藤肇,小沢哲也: "Liveasization of adinary differential equations by ana preserving maps"Nagoya Math.J.. 156. 109-122 (1999)
[Publications] 佐藤肇: "Intequability of contact Schwaizian derivatives and its liveasization"Geovetry, Integrability and Quatiration. 225-228 (2000)
[Publications] 佐藤肇,待田芳徳: "Tuistor theory of manifolds with. Grassmannian structures"Nagoya Math.J.. 160. 17-102 (2000)
[Publications] 鎌田博行: "Neutral hyperkahler structures on primary kodaira surfaces"Tsukuba J.Math.. 23. 321-332 (1999)
[Publications] 鎌田博行: "Compact Einstein-weyl four-manifolds with compatible about complex structuses"Kodai Math.J.. 22. 424-437 (1999)
[Publications] 石毛和弘: "On the behavior of the Polutions of degenerate parabolic equations"Magoya Math.J,. 155. 1-26 (1999)
[Publications] 石毛和弘: "An intrinsic metric approach to unigue wess of the positive Divichlit prodders for pacalohi quchious in cylinder"J.Differcmfial Equathions. 158. 251-290 (1999)
[Publications] 小谷元子: "グラフの幾向学"数理科学. 39. (2001)
[Publications] 納谷信: "Discrele groups of couplex hyperbolic isometries and psendo-Hunitian strnctures"Trends in Math., Analysis and pometry in several couplex vaiables. 209-237 (1999)
[Publications] 太田啓史,小野薫: "Simple singularities and topology of symplectically filling 4-manifold"Commsut.Math.Helv.. 74. 575-590 (1999)
[Publications] 太田啓史: "Brieskovn manifold and metric of positive scalas curvature"Adiaucid Studies Puse Math. 29(to appear).
[Publications] 太田啓史: "Obstruchas to and deformation of Laqraugias Mtuseehls Floes cohomology"Proc.of Uarls Shop on"Mirrov Supnnietry and Syunplechz gesnetry". (to appear).
[Publications] 井関裕靖: "Quasiconformal stability of Kleiuian qroups and au cnbedding of auyace of flat andcind structuses"Conform.Geour.Dyn. 4. 108-119 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子,砂田利一: "Albanese maops and off siagonal long time asepuptotics for the heat hernels"Comm.Math.Phys.. 209. 633-670 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子: "A mote on aryouptotic expanoipus for closed geodetics or homologer clesses"Math.Aun.. (to appear).
[Publications] 小谷元子: "A central limit theaem for the simple randow wallc on a crystal lathic"Droe.Second Intermat.ISAAC Corgress. 1-7 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子,砂田利一: "Zata fucehions on finite graphs"J.Marh.Sci.Univ.Tokyo. 7. 7-25 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子,砂田利一: "The pressune and higher correlations for an Auosov differworplisus"Erqod.Th.Dynam.Sys. (to appear).
[Publications] 小谷元子: "Higher correlations for an Anosiv flow"Aues.J.Math. (to appear).
[Publications] 芥川和雄: "Spin geometry, the Seiberg-Uithen eguiations and Yamabe invasiints of Kahler sufaces"Interdiscip.Inform.Sci.. 5. 55-72 (1999)
[Publications] 中西敏浩,M.Naatanen: "Areas of two-dinaousional moduli apaces"Proc.Aum.Math.Soc,. (to appear).
[Publications] 中西敏浩,M.Naataven G,Rosenberger: "Arithmetic Fuchsian groups of siguatuce (o;ei, er,es,en)with 2【less than or equal】e_1【less than or equal】e_2【less than or equal】e_3, en=∞"Couplex geometry of groups. (1999)
[Publications] 中西敏浩: "リーマン面上の割地線の長さとNielsenの実現問題"退化、被覆、特異点の代数幾向とトポロジー. 33-46 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子,砂田利一: "Jacobian fovi associated with a finite graple and its abelian couning graphs"Adu.Appl.Math.. 24. 89-110 (2000)
[Publications] 小谷元子,砂田利一: "Stund and veelizatron of crystal lattice via hainouic maps"Traw.Ames.Math.Soc.. 353. 1-20 (2001)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄: "Kenmotsu type representation fornnla for spece like sunfaus in the de Sitha 3-space"Tsukuba J.Math.. 24. 189-196 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄: "Kenmotsu type representation fovmula for surfaces with preseribed mean cuwatuse in the hypablic3-space"J.Math.Soc.Japan. 52. 877-898 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄,Tom Y.M.Wan: "Hininal maps between the hyperbolic discs and genealped Qoues maps of maxineal simfaics in the auti-de siffer3-space"Tohoku Math.J.. 52. 415-429 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄: "kenmotsu type representation forunla for surfaces with prescrived mean curoatue in the 3-sphere"Tohoku Math.J.. 52. 95-105 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄: "Represeu tation formulas for surfaces in H^s(-C^2)and havmonic maps arising from CMC surfaces"Harmonic movphisms, Hamouic maps, and related topics. 275-285 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子,芥川和雄,宮岡礼子,梅原雅顕: "A global correspondence between CMC-Surfaces in S^3 and paices of non-conformal hamouic mapsinto S^2"Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.. 128. 939-941 (2000)
[Publications] 江尻典雄: "Homotopieally enesqy-minimizing hasimocne map of fori into RR^3"TokyoJ.Math. 23. 503-518 (2000)
[Publications] 金井雅彦: "力学系の不変幾何構造と剛性問題"数学. 52. 43-52 (2000)
[Publications] 金井雅彦: "A remanls on local rigidity of comfor〓l actions on the sphere"Math.Res.Lett. 6. 675-680 (1999)
[Publications] 小林亮一,逸見昌元: "Hoal's law in ptatistical manifolds and diver gances"Nayoya math.J.. 159. 1-24 (2000)
[Publications] 小林亮一: "Holomovphic curves in abelian vacieties : the second main theouew and appdicatious"Japan.J.Math.. 26. 129-152 (2000)
[Publications] 小林亮一,系川銚: "Msuimizing currents in open manifolds andf the n-1 homology of monue gatively Ricci curved niani folds"