Research Abstract |
OH-airglow Suppressor (OHS), one of the first observational instruments of Subaru telescope, has been developed for three years. Test observations for performance verification and development of the multi-objects feeding system using fibers also have been done. Followings are the abstracts of this research work. ・The throughput of 40% with an airglow-suppression factor of 1/25, yielding the 〜1.2 mag gain of the OHS, are verified using the results of the test observations. The OHS is operated as a common instrument of the Subaru telescope from this fiscal year. Many scripts and commands have been prepared to support the observation and the data reduction. ・Spectroscopic results of QSOs at z〜5 obtained during the test observation runs of the OHS are combined with other archival data, such as Sloan Digital Sky Survey newly opened to the public. The evolution of iron emission-lines of QSOs from the local to the distant universe are studied and published. ・Spectra of 16 radio galaxies at z〜2.3 are also successfully obtained during the test observation runs. The nature of these objects are studied and will be published soon. ・ Multi-XY stage with 16 probes for the multi-objects feeding system of the OHS was fabricated. The control software and the algorithm for the optimum arrangement of the probes have been developed. ・The first trial piece of the fiber bundle using tapered-fibers had many troubles. The second piece, in which selfoc lenses are attached to both ends of the fibers, was assembled by myself. It will be installed in the OHS and tested in March. The basic technical problems have been solved by this research work. The multi-object spectroscopy mode of the OHS will be improved through the test on the Nasmyth platform of the Subaru telescope and the following test observation.