Research Abstract |
Novel design strategies and behavior control criterions for ensuring impact safety of human symbiotic robots are obtained with improvement of both components and system integration technologies. Validity of this project is substantiated from several experimental tasks that requires impact safety and cooperation ability with human. Three main results are summarized as follows. Design and Control Strategy : An enormous amount of parameters for design and control of human symbiotic robots are systematized from an aspect of impact safety and human-cooperate ability. In order to obtain this strategy, a safety technology map that diagrams collision situations, standardized environment conditions, and behaviors of robots and humans is devised and utilized. Behavior Control Criterion : A behavior control criterion that consists of safety measures in three levels, such as the actuator level, joint level, and whole body level are constructed. This criterion generates several physical interactive behaviors of human symbiotic robots based on the situation models and information from sensors. This internal model is a kind of finite state machine, and each transition path represents safety and human-cooperative behaviors of robots that are adapted to interactive situations. System integration and Evaluation : A double safety measure by design and control, and a haptic cover sensor are designed and integrated into the WENDY system. The system consists of eighty actuators and one hundred sensors, and decide its behavior by using the developed haptic cover sensors. For evaluation of the project, experiments are widely conducted from basic motions to practical and difficult tasks. From these experiments, it is confirmed that the integrated system can carry out human-cooperative tasks while ensuring impact safety.