[Publications] T. Oku,H. Kubota,T. Ohgami and K. Suganuma: "Possible detection of doping atoms in C_<60> solid clusters by high-resolution electron microscopy"Carbon. 37. 1299-1309 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,J.-O. Bovin,S. Nakajima,H. Kubota,T. Ohgami and K. Suganuma: "Nanostructural characterization of solid cluster and oxide by HREM with residual indices"Nanostructured Mater.. 12. 563-566 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Hirano,S. Nakajima and K. Suganuma: "Formation and structure of carbon nanocage structures produced by polymer pyrolysis and electron-beam irradiation"J. Mater. Res.. 14. 4166-4273 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,K. Suganuma: "Carbon nanocage structures formed by one-dimensional self-organization of gold nanoparticles"Chem. Comm.. 23. 2355-2356 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku, Q. Sun,D.- S. Wang,Q. Wang,Y. Kawazoe,G. Schmid and K. Suganuma: "Atomic structure of Pd-intercalated graphite by high-resolution electron microscopy and first principles calculations"Mater. Trans. JIM.. 40. 1213-12** (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku and S. Nakajima: "Oxgen arrangement on Hg_<0.5> Tl_<0.5> Ba_2CuO_x (100)surface studied by high-resolution electron microscopy"Appl. Phys. Lett.. 75. 2226-2228 (1999)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku and K. Suganuma: "Formation of Gold iron oxide nanoparticles encapsulated in boron nitride sheets"J. Mater. Chem.. 9. 855-857 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku and J.- O. Bovin: "Atomic disordering in YB_<56> detected by high-resolution electron microscopy with residual indices"Phil. Mag. A. 79. 821-834 (1999)
[Publications] A. Carlsson,T. Oku,J.- O. Bovin, G. Karlsson,Y. Okamoto,N. Ohnishi and O. Terasaki: "The structure of iron oxide implanted zeolite Y,determined by high-resolution electron microscopy and refined with selected area electron diffraction amplitudes"Chem. Eur. J.. 5. 244-249 (1999)
[Publications] 奥 健夫: "原子直視による高分解能電子顕微鏡像定量構造解析"Boundary. 15(8). 28-34 (1999)
[Publications] 奥 健夫、平野 孝典 菅沼 克昭: "B-C-N フラーメン"Boundary. 15(9). 15-20 (1999)
[Publications] 奥 健夫、平野 孝典 菅沼 克昭: "C-B-Nフラーレン物質の形成と構造-未知のオングストローム空間-"Materials Integration. 12(8). 41-46 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku, T. Kusunose, K. Niihara and K. Suganuma: "Chemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles encapsulated in boron nitride nanocages"J. Mater. Chem.. 10. 255-258 (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku, T. Hirano,S. Nakajima,K. Suganuma,E. Aoyagi and K. Hiraga: "Formation and structure of cluster-included carbon nanocapsules prepared by polymer pyrolysis"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 印刷中 (2000)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku,M. Kawaguchi and K. sugamuma: "Formation and properties of boron nitride nanocapsules with metal and semiconductor nanoparticles"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 印刷中 (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Kusunose, T. Hirata,R. Hatakeyama,N. Sato,K. Niihara and K. Suganuma: "Formation and structure of Ag Ge and SiC nanoparticles encapsulated in boron nitride and carbon nanocapsules"Diamond and Related Mater.. 印刷中 (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku, G. Schmid,K. Suganuma,Q. Sun and Y. Kawazoe: "Structure of Pd-intercalated graphite onions formed by electron irradiation"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 印刷中 (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku and M. Kawaguchi: "Microstructure analysis of CN-based nanocage materials by high-resolution electron microscopy"Diamond and Related Mater.. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku and K. Suganuma: "Atomic structures and electronic states of boron nitride fullerene and nanotubes"Diamond and Related Mater.. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku: "Digital high-resolution electron microscopy of atomic disordering in YB_< 56>"J. Electron Microsc.. 49(印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku and K. Suganuma: "Fabrication and magnetic properties of boron nitride nanocapsules encaging iron oxide nanoparticles"Diamond and Related Mater.. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku,A. Carlsson,J.- O. Bovin,C. Svensson,L. R. Wallenberg,C. Linke and M. Jansen: "Modulated structure of Ag_2SnO_3 studied by high-resolution electron microscopy"Acta Crystallogr. B. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Hirano,M. Kuno,T. Kusunose,K. Niihara and K. Suganuma: "Formation,structure and property of C-BN fullerene materials"Mater. Sci. Eng. B. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Nakayama,M. Kuno,Y. Nozue,L. R. Wallenberg,K. Niihara and K. Suganuma: "Formation and photoluminescence of Ge and Si nanoparticles with oxide layer"Mater. Sci. Eng. B. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku and K. Suganuma: "One-dimensional positioning of carbon nanocapsules and spontaneous formation of carbon nanotubes by self-organization of gold nanoparticles"Microelectron. Eng. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Hirano and K. Suganuma: "C and BN Fullerene materials"Proc. 3^< rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^< nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 42-51 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Nakayama,Y. Nozue,T. Hirano,K. Asami,L. R. Wallenberg,K. Niihara,T. Yamamoto and K. Suganuma: "Formation and structure of Ge and nanoparticles"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 193-196 (1999)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku, M. Kawaguchi and K. Suganuma: "BN nanocapsules encaging semiconductor and metal nanoparticles"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 197-203 (1999)
[Publications] T. Hirano,T. Oku and K. Suganuma: "Formation of BN nanotubes and fullerenes"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 204-206 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,T. Hirata,N. Motegi,R. Hatakeyama,T. Hirano,L. R. Wallenberg,K. Suganuma,T. Mieno,N. Y. Sato,H. Mase,M. Niwano,N. Miyamoto and N. Sato: "Structure of carbon nanocapsules with Ge and Si formed by DC-RF hybrid arc-discharge"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 207-209 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku and S. Nakajima: "Atomic structures of Hg- and Tl-based high-T_c superconductors"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 210-217 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,and M. Kawaguchi: "Microstructure of CN-based materials studied by HREM"Proc. 3^<rd> Int. Nano Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 258-261 (1999)
[Publications] T. Oku,H. Kubota and E. Machi: "HREM of C_<60> thin films implanted with nitrogen ions"Proc. 3^< rd> Int Nano. Ceramic Forum and 2^<nd> Int. Symp. Intermaterials. 262-266 (1999)