[Publications] K.Hiruta, S.Tokita, T.Tachikawa, F.Noguchi, K.Nishimoto: "Precise PPP molecular orbital calculation of excitation energies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Part 6.Spectrochemicalatomic softness parameter"J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans.2. 975-980 (2001)
[Publications] S.Tokita, F.Watanabe, K.Hashimoto, T.Tachikawa: "Application of Photo Acid Generators for γ Rays Detective Materials"J.Photopoly.Sci.Tecnol.. 14. 221-224 (2001)
[Publications] T.Miyaji, S.Tokita, T.Tachikawa, C.Azuma: "Development of a Radiation Dosimeter Consisting of Leuco Crystal Violet and a Small Amount of Halocarbons"J.Photopoly.Sci.Technol.. 14. 225-226 (2001)
[Publications] D.Goma, I.Nagashima, T.Tachikawa, H.Shiroishi, M.Kaneko, S.Tokita: "Reaction of 5,8-Diphenyl-5,8-dihydroanthra[1,9-b'c']diquinoline and Its Endoperoxide with Trifluoroacetic Acid"J.Photopoly.Sci.Technol.. 14. 239-244 (2001)
[Publications] T.Tachikawa, Y.Morinaka, S.Tokita: "Novel Color Formers Having a Phenothiazine Moiety"J.Photopoly.Sci.Technol.. 14. 245-250 (2001)
[Publications] 時田 澄男, 木戸 冬子, 杉山 孝雄, 細矢 治夫: "原子軌道の角部分に関する新しい可視化方法の研究"J.Chem.Software. 7. 29-46 (2001)
[Publications] 時田 澄男, 杉山 孝雄: "原子軌道の動画表示とその数式の理解に関する研究"J.Chem.Software. 7. 87-98 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Kubo, T.Ohno, J.Yamanaka, S.Tokita, T.Iida, Y.Ishimaru: "Chirality-Transfer Control Using a Heterotopic Zinc(II)Porphyrin Dimer"J.Am.Chem.Soc.. 123. 12700-12701 (2001)
[Publications] 城石 英伸, 野村 知生, 石川 和紀, 時田 澄男, 金子 正夫: "JAVA言語を用いた有限境界条件下での電気化学測定の可視化と電気化学教育への応用"J.Chem.Software. 7. 145-152 (2001)
[Publications] K.Kumamoto, Y.Misawa, S.Tokita, Y.Kubo, H.Kotsuki: "High-pressure-promoted condensation of isothiocyanates with aminopyridines: efficient synthesis of pyridine-thiourea conjugates as building blocks for hydrogen-bonding receptors"Tetrahedron Lett.. 43. 1035-1038 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Kubo, S.Obara, S.Tokita: "Metal Ionically-Controlled Optical Signaling Based on a Chromoionophore-Drived Calix[4]crown"Supramol.Chem.. (in press).
[Publications] 時田 澄男, 木戸 冬子, 杉山 孝雄, 渡部 智博, 時田 那珂子, 東 千秋: "原子軌道の様々な可視化の組合せとその波動性の表現"J.Chem.Software. (in press).
[Publications] H.Shiroishi, T.Shoji, T.Nomura, S.Tokota, M.Kaneko: "Visualization of Electrochemical Measurements under Finite Conditions using JAVA and its Application for Assisted Learning(2)"J.Chem.Software. (in press).
[Publications] H.Shiroishi, Y.Kaburagi, M.Seo, T.Hoshi, T.Nomura, S.Tokita, M.Kaneko: "Virtual Device Simulator of Bipolar Photogalvanic Cell"J.Chem.Software. (in press).
[Publications] H.Shiroishi, Y.Kaburagi, M.Seo, S.Tokita, M.Kaneko: "GetValue for Windows-Graph Digitizer Equipped with Electrochemical Analyzer"J.Chem.Software. (in press).
[Publications] 時田 澄男: "光と化学の事典"丸善. 18-20,73,84-86,147-148,429-435 (2001)
[Publications] 時田 澄男: "有機EL材料とディスプレイ"シーエムシー. 1-21 (2001)
[Publications] 時田 澄男: "化学ラボガイド"朝倉書店. 136-163 (2001)