Research Abstract |
VHF analog communications and NTT DoCoMo's mobile communication system are used on ambulance but they suffer from the following problems; 1) narrow band width, 2) multipath, 3) shadowing, 4) limited coverage Under the present wireless communication environment on the ground, we cannot provide a suitable medical control for EMT and cannot avoid troublesome problems during transportation on ambulance. For example, miss insertion of endotracheal tube into esophagus, even well-trained EMT performed 85% in VA. For this reason, we have started to study on possibility of nation wide emergency communications system with high inclined elliptical orbiter aiming to support high data transmission from ambulance. There items are investigated 1. Receiving power at urban area in Japan, beacon from HEO ; COMETS satellite 2. Visibility Measuring with 360 degree of optical camera at urban area in Japan 3. Development quadrant detector with microwave to track target satellite 4. Investigation on frequency limit transponder 5. Comparison between IMT-2000 and HEO 6. Comparison between medical cost of acute myocardial infarction and launching cost of HEO 7. Denoise of ECG with DSP technology The satellite communications system with High Elliptical Orbiter might be much more cost effective than IMT-2000 for 4800 ambulances. In the future, data will be sent in real time from land mobile unit, which enable monitoring patient conditions while in transit; providing detailed digital moving images such as light reflex images, injured site, vocal cord image during endotracheal tube insertion, 12 ECG with cardio echography, saturation levels, etc. These transmissions might help patients.