Research Abstract |
1. We, philosophers and medics in collaboration, have tried to construct a practicable system of clinical ethics for medics, on the basis of the following two basic ideas. First, medical practice must be premised on a certain value chosen among many possible values, which can be expressed, the longer a life is, and the higher is its quality, the better. Secondly, the medical practice should be a collaboration between medics, the patient, and his/her family. 2. As to the ethical principles in medicine, by criticizing and revising the famous four (beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, and equality), we have reached the following system. P1 Intend to promote the patient's well-being R1-1 Intend to make the integrated sum of the patient's QOL as high as possible. R1-2 Don't prevent the patient from leading a full life. P2 Treat the patient as a human being. R2-1 Do medical practice in collaboration with the patient (and his/her family). R2-2 Stand by the patient (and his/her family) in suffering. P3 Justice or equality 3. We have constructed a format as a fact sheet for examining a process of shared decision making on the basis of the ethical principles shown above. Also we have constructed a format for examining a narrative that is about the history of a patient and medics that might include some ethical problems. Using these formats, medics become able to analyze appropriately the ethical aspect of their practice.