[Publications] 山中茂: "浸炭焼入れ後の変形に及ぼす変態塑性の影響"材料. 48-7. 733-739 (1999)
[Publications] 中崎一之: "CO_2レーザによる炭素鋼の移動焼入れ過程の変態・熱・力学的解析"材料. 48-9. 1003-1010 (1999)
[Publications] P.Ding: "Numerical Simulation of Forging and Subsequent Heat Treatment of a Rod by the Finite Volume Method"Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 13-1. 270-280 (2000)
[Publications] T.Inoue: "Process Modeling for Heat Treatment : Current Status and Future Developments"Proceedings of 1^<st> International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation. 14-25 (2000)
[Publications] S.Yamanaka: "Transformation Plasticity-The Effect an Metallo-Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Carburized Quenching Process"Proceedings of 1^<st> International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation. 185-195 (2000)
[Publications] P.Ding: "Numerical Simulation of Coupled Thermo-mechanical Behavior of a Cylinder Bille^+ during Hot-Forging Process"Proceedings of 1^<st> International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation. 263-269 (2000)
[Publications] 中崎一之: "CO_2レーザ2次焼入れされたCr-MO鋼の硬化特性"材料. 49-6. 678-684 (2000)
[Publications] T.Inoue: "Material Database for Simulation of Metallo-Thermo-Mechanical Fields"Proceedings of 5^<th> International Symposium on Quenching and Distortion Control. (to appear). (2000)
[Publications] T.Inoue: "Effect of Materials on the Result of Metallo-Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Quenching Sword"Proceedings of 5^<th> International Symposium on Quenching and Distorsion Control. (to appear). (2000)
[Publications] K.Nakasaki: "Metallo-Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Laser-Quenching Process of Some Steels"Proceedings of 5^<th> International Symposium on Quenching and Distorsion Control. (to appear). (2000)
[Publications] P.Ding: "Simulation of the Forging Process incorporation Strain-induced Phase Transformation Using the Finite Volume Method (Part1 : Basic Theory and Numerical Methodology)"Materials Science Research International. 7-1. 45-52 (2001)
[Publications] P.Ding: "Simulation of the Forging Process incorporation Strain-induced Phase Transformation Using the Finite Volume Method (Part2 : Effects of Strain Rate on Structural Change and Mechanical Behavior)"Materials Science Research International. 7-1. 45-52 (2001)
[Publications] P.Ding: "Forging Process Simulation of Bevel Gear by the Finite Volume Method when considering Strain-induced Martensite Transformation"Journal of Materials and Enginnering Performance. (to appear).
[Publications] T.Inoue: "Material Database for Simulation of Metallo-thermo-mechanical Fields,"Proceedings of 5^<th> International Symposium on Quenching and Distortion Control,ASM,St Louis,October,2000. (to appear).
[Publications] 日本材料会塑性工学部門委員会: "熱処理シミュレーションのための材料特性データベース,"材料. (印刷中).
[Publications] 上原拓也: "相変態を伴う穴開け加工の分子動力シミュレーションとその有限要素解析への応用"第48期日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集. 339-340 (1999)
[Publications] 福本好彦: "急速冷却による固相変態の分子動力学シミュレーション"日本機械学会平成11年度材料力学部門講演会講演論文集. 287-288 (1999)
[Publications] M.Mizuno: "Uniaxial Rachetting of 316FR Steel at Room Temperature-Part1. Experiments"Transaction of ASME. Vol.122. 29-34 (2000)
[Publications] S.Murakami: "Modeling of Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel"Transaction of ASME. Vol.122. 60-66 (2000)
[Publications] S.Murakami: "Methods for Fracture Analysis by Damage Mechanics"Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol.183. 15-33 (2000)
[Publications] M.Adbel-Karim: "IN738LCの高温における多軸ラッチェットと非比例繰返し変形のシミュレーション"材料. 48-2. 104-109 (1999)
[Publications] 石居武之: "高分子複合材料の非弾性変形における背応力の検討"材料. 49-2. 157-163 (2000)
[Publications] N.Ohno: "Uniaxial Rachetting of 316FR Steel at Room Temperature-Part I : Constitutive Modeling and Simulation"ASME J.Eng.Mat.Tech.. 122-1. 35-41 (2000)
[Publications] 大野信忠: "母材クリープを有する一方向繊維強化複合材の繊維応力分布解析に対する変分法"日本機械学会論文集,A編. 66-643. 472-479 (2000)
[Publications] M.Abdel-Karim: "Kinematic Hardening Model for Rachetting with Steady-State"International Journal Plasticity. 16-3,4. 225-240 (2000)
[Publications] 小林峰雄: "ひずみ硬化/動的回復の一般形に基づく繰返し塑性構成式の陰的積分およびコンシステント接線剛性(第1報,定式化)"日本機械学会論文集,A編. 66-647. 1274-1280 (2000)
[Publications] 小林峰雄: "ひずみ硬化/動的回復の一般形に基づく繰返し塑性構成式の陰的積分およびコンシステント接線剛性(第2報,数値的検証)"日本機械学会論文集,A編. 66-647. 1281-1289 (2000)
[Publications] 酒井達雄: "材料強度の確率モデル(39),溶接継手(i)"機械の研究. 51-11. 1191-1196 (1999)
[Publications] 酒井達雄: "SAMP JAPAN '99に見る先端材料開発の動き:金属材料"工業材料. 48-1. 48-51 (2000)
[Publications] 酒井達雄: "材料強度の確率モデル(42),溶接継手(4)"機械の研究. 52-2. 311-316 (2000)
[Publications] 酒井達雄: "材料強度の確率モデル(43),溶接継手(5)"機械の研究. 52-3. 385-392 (2000)
[Publications] 酒井達雄: "材料強度の確率モデル(55),データベースの有効利用(i)"機械の研究. 53-3. 383-388 (2001)
[Publications] D.Y.Ju: "Computer Predication of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses during Induction Hardening of Notched Cylinder"Materials Science Forum. Vol.347. 352-357 (2000)
[Publications] D.Y.Ju: "Simuklation of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses in the Spray Coating Process"Materials Process Technology. Vol.92. 243-250 (1999)
[Publications] D.Y.Ju: "Damping Property of Wpoxy Matrix Composite Beams with Embeded Shape Memory Alloy Fibers"Journal Intelligent Materials. Vol.10. 514-520 (1999)
[Publications] D.Y.Ju: "Computer Predictionsand Experimental Verification of Residual Stresses and Distortin In Carburizing-Quenching of Steel"J.Shanghai Jiaotong University. E-5. 165-172 (2000)