Research Abstract |
To examine the population dynamics in a meta-population, we investigated the individual density in each subpopulation for three years from 1999 to 2001, setting a quadrat (100 x 60 m) in Hinokuma Mnt, Kanzaki-gun, Saga prefecture. We found that the number of annual new adults depends on the availability of drupe production by host trees. Some dormant adults exist in the sub-population in the reproductive period, and the ratio of them varies among sub-population^ Because dormant adults perform the reproduction in the next year, the sub-population. with large ratio of dormant adults tend to become a dominant source of individual dispersion to surrounding another sub-population in the next year, To examine individual migration, we marked all individuals in some large sub-populations. We found that males migrate shortly between sub-populations during mating period and females migrate with long distance for host trees after mating, sometimes reaching out of meta-population. To detect a genetic difference between populations which are geographically isolated, and to examine the genetic relationship with distance, DMA sequence variation among individuals derived from three habitats in Kyushu Island in Japan (Hinokuma, Kurume, Takeo) at the ITS1 and CO1 region are discussed. The UPGMA, neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony constructed phylogenetic trees indicated that our P. japonensis species could be separated into two groups, with Hinokuma and Kurume being categorized as one group, and Takeo as another. These phylogenetic trees reflected the distance of the inhabiting localities from each other well. Additionally, we collected adults from seven habitats in Kyushu Island (Kinryu, Kumamoto, Isahaya, Sasebo, Oomura, Nobeoka and Kagoshima). We are trying to compare DNA sequence variation among habitats in whole Kyushu Island.