Research Abstract |
In the etching process of silicon wafers in semiconductor manufacturing industry, debris is generated and sticks to the wafer. The debris damages the submicron-scale electric circuits and the productivity of manufacturing devices is much reduced. Many different cleaning techniques of such debris were tried in the past with some success but still a much more efficient method is to be developed. This research proposal is to study if a method combining a high-speed gas jet and shock waves works well for cleaning debris by using experiments and numerical analysis. In the fiscal year of 1999, a method of generating shock waves by a few milligrams of explosives and the technique of optical visualization (shadow graph, holographic interferometry, color shrielen, etc.) are developed. With the development, it became possible to observe shock wave phenomena in the range of few centimeters with good reproducibility. For the numerical simulations, we developed a 2-dimensional unstructured unsteady CFD code that can treat moving boundary and applied it for the problem of flows around a rotating cylinder. In the fiscal year of 2000, a new idea of generating non-steady flows on the solid wall using a high-speed rotor was tried. For the numerical simulations, a computer program for calculating dusty-gas flows is developed and applied to some practical problems. As described above, the project progressed as planned and the results are presented at appropriate conferences and meetings. as well as in scientific journals.