Research Abstract |
● Ethanol activates NF-kappaB, but reduces activation of AP-1 60 min after loading in rat hepatocytes, perfused rat livers, and in vivo rat liver. ● In the alcohol liver injury rat model, activation of NF-kappaB occurs in liver, which activity is in correspondence with liver histopathology, cytokine expressions, and so on. ● Ethanol activates NF-kappaB in rat hepatocytes, which activity is higher than that induced by LPS. ● Ethanol reduced activation of NF-kappaB by LPS, where the inhibition of degradation by acetaldehyde contributed. ● In vivo ethanol bolus administration caused activation of NF-kappaB and AP-1 in both the heart and liver of Wistar rat. ● In vivo ethanol administration causes delay of activation of HIF-1alpha in rat heart, indicating that alcohol consumption may induces ischemic heart disease.