Research Abstract |
This research is an attempt to develop the system of portfolio. The following is a heading of the general types of contents a portfolio can include ; process samples, works in progress, product samples, teacher observations, assessment data, and parent comments. Also, there are many different types of portforios that teachers can consider. The most common include the working portfolio, the showcase portfolio, and the record-keeping portfolio. In this research, Portfolio is a container that holds evidence of an individual's state of learning, thinking process, products, refrective thinking, meta-cognition, etc. Using portfolios, many students were able to reflect on what they have learned and tried to challenge the new theme of learning. Also, when teacher made plans of using portfolios, students used portfolio actively and became to assess themselves and others as the need arises. Furthermore, teachers who engaged in this project were able to assess their students' actual state of understanding in detail. For human judgements to be considered something more trustworthy than mere opinion, they must be based on clearly articulateds. A rubric is an established set of criteria used for scoring or rating students' portfolios. The use of a rubric changed the way of assessment from result-oriented assessment to process-oriented assessment. A simple rubric communicate quite clearly what standard of achievement is desired. And it also helps students to assess how they might improve their performance. Finally, we could assess students' way of scientific thinking and their ability to science by portfolio assessment. But, we have many troubles with application of daily programs for full use of results of portfolio assessment.