Research Abstract |
The role of health care room became to be focused on along with the increase of school maladjusted children, and the role of school nurses became important. However, the mutual cooperation of school nurses is difficult, because usually only one school nurse is placed in one school. On the basis of such a present condition, in this research I tried to develop a system that school nurses come with the cooperation by the computer Network and also be able to get right self-understanding and refreshment. In the fiscal year 1999, I investigated about the information communication ethics that senior high school students are requesting to school nurses, and demonstrated the importance of the control offamiliar data, and, on the basis of the finding, worked out an experimental system. I reformed the "self-understanding survey" that was heretofore filled out and scored on the paper-and-pencil base to be able to carry out on the computer network base, and to be able to ask opinions of supervisors
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by E-mail. In the fiscal year 2000, I improved the system so that school nurses can exchange E-mail through the system. Along with this improvement, the experiment of mutual exchanging of image files was carried out. Furthemore, I examined whether or not there are differences on matters that need to be kept secret between senior high school students and school nurses. In 2001, final fiscal year of this research, I improved the "selfunderstanding" system to be rated automatically and to be displayed on diagnostic charts, to turn the system to be handier. The opinion with regard to the result of the trial use was affirmative. :(l)the automated rating is convenient. (2)diagnostic charts are easy to understand. (3)comparison with the result in the past is able to put into practice readily. Furthermore, the survey revealed that many school nurses hoped necessary information to be automatically delivered when necessary through the system. It has been a main purpose of the system that the system facilitates the colleagueship cooperation. However, if the system could work as the system of transmission and arrival of overall information, it will prove to be more effective. Automatic delivery of information claims to deside the limit of consumer nurses. It needs the classification of school nurses. Taking account of these problems I schedule to aim at developing integrated system. Less