Research Abstract |
1.Introduction When a laser-diode-pumped high-average-power solid-state laser driver module Is deveroped for the laser-tnertial -fusion energy (IFE), thermal effect, such as thermal lerislng, thermal birefringence and thermal deformation, in the laser medium and the active optical elements should be compensated for. In this studies, a 3D thermal-effect analysis code is first developed, and by comparing with experimental results the code is improved. After then by use of the code the diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) driver module is newly designed 2. Design, Development and Evaluation of a DPSSL Driver Module A smallestoutput energy (10J x 10 H_2) HALNA (High Average-power Laser for Nuclear-fusion Application)-10 DPSSL driver module was destgned. A jet-water cooled laser-diode (LD) array was newly developed which is also useful to pump the future HALNA DPSSL.Then an evaluation method with thermal effects was developed for high-power LD arrays A high-everage power 100-W class DPSSL als
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o developed for IFE as well as for industry Outpul cliaracterisus of constructed HALNA-10 DPSSL were measured in deail, and a good agreement with the theoretical calculation was obtained. However, in oder tu reallze the 10 Hz operation, st is turned out that the thermal lens effect should be compensated for To tompensate for the thermal btrefringence, It was shown that a quarter wavelength plate was useful for the DPSSL of less than 10W average power A polarimeter to measure the 2D distribution of thermal birefrigence in the laser medium and the active optical elements, was newly developed 3D thermal effects slab code (THESLAC) was tmproved and this THESLAC code explained the experlmental results 3. Designlog HALNA-10〜20 DPSSL (10J〜20J×10 H_2) was designed, and it was shown the 10J〜20J output energy at 10 Hz will be acheavent By use of the THESLAC code, a HALNA-10〜20 DPSSL (10J〜20J×10 H_2) was designed, and it was shown the 10J〜20J output energy at 10 Hz will be acheavent 4. Conipensatlon of Therinal Birefrigence in the Faraday Rotator and Pockels Cell Wheti passing the 100 W〜1 kW 1053-nm laser light through a Faraday rotator glass, a depolarization loss over 10 % was expected experimentalty. However, such depolatization loss will be compensated for by use of a 67.5-degree quartz rotator between Faraday glasses It was shown that the thermal birefringence, generated when passing the 100W class laser light at 1064 nm, can be compensated for by use of a 90-degree quartz rotator 5. Conclusion It was shown that the thermal effects generated in ihe HALNA-10 DPSSL can be comperisalable. Then, we have a confidence that next HALNA 10 〜 20 DPSSL will be operated at 10 Hz. The THESLAC code developed will be useful when developing the high-average power DPSSLs for industry Less