Research Abstract |
In collaboration with top researchers in the field of oxide electrodes from Italy, Switzerland, and The United States of America, joint research and discussion on highly active porous metal oxide-coated electrodes were conducted. The achievements of the project is summarized, below. Cooperative researchers Sergio Trasatti, Univ. of Milan, Italy Professor Christos Comninellis, EPFL, Switzerland, Professor Achille De Battisti, Univ. of Ferrara, Italy, Professor Marc A. Anderson, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA, Professor Gyorgy Foti, EPFL, Switzerland, Professbr M.I. Tejedor, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA, Professor. i ) Discussion, exchange of views and information through mutual visits 1999 September, Takasu and Murakami visited Europe for discussion with Profs. Trasatti, Comninellis, Battisti December, Murakami visited USA for discussion with Prof. Anderson December, Prof. Anderson visited Japan for discussion and lecture ( 11 days ) 2000 September, Takasu visited Europe for discussion with Profs. Trasatti, Comninellis September, Murakami visited USA for discussion and joint experiments with Prof. Andersen October, Sugimoto visited USA for discussion and joint experiments with Prof. Anderson March, Prof. Foti visited Japan for discussion and lecture ( 9 days ) September, Profs. Trasatti and Comninellis visited Japan for discussion and lecture ( 8 days ) 2002 February, Profs. Trasatti and Comninellis visited Japan for discussion and lecture ( 12 days ) ( A vist to Europe in October 2001 was cancelled due to the terroist attack on USA in September ) ii ) Workshops 2000 September "New Trends in Electrode Materials" held at Shinshu Univ. ( Speakers. Profs. Trasatti, Comninellis, Battisti, Murakami and others ) 2002 February "Functional Oxide and Diamond Electrodes" held at Shinshu Univ. ( Speakers Profs. Trasatti, Comninellis, Battisti, Takasu and others ) iii ) Other A total of 7 visits to symposia held at Europe and USA for presentation of results, gathering information, and discussion.