[Publications] Cha, S.H., Sekine, T., Fukushima, J., Kanai, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Goya, T., Endou, H.: "Identification and characterization of human organic anion transporter 3 expressing predominanatly in the kidney"Mol.Pharmacol.. 59. 1277-1286 (2001)
[Publications] Kim, DK, Kanai, Y, Chairoungdua, A, Matsuo, H, Cha, SH, Endou, H: "Expression cloning of a Na-independent aromatic amino acid transporter with structural similarity to H^+/monocarboxylate transporters"J Biol.Chem. 276(20). 17221-17228 (2001)
[Publications] Kim, J.Y., Kanai, Y., Chariroungdua, A., Cha, S.H., Matsuo, H., Kim, D.K., Inatomi, J., Sawa, H., Ida, Y., Endou H.: "Human cystine/glutamate transporter : cDNA cloning and upregulation by oxidative stress in glioma cells"Biochem.Biopys.Acta.. 1512. 335-344 (2001)
[Publications] Chairoungdua A, Kanai Y, Matsuo H, Inatomi J, Kim DK, Endou H.: "Identification and characterization of a novel member of the heterdimieric amino acid transporter family presumed to be associated with an unknown heavy chain"J Biol. Chem.. 276(52). 49390-49399 (2001)
[Publications] Uchino, H., Kanai, Y., Kim D.K., Wenpe, M.F., Chairoungdua, A., Morimoto E., Anders, M.W., Endou: "Transport of amino acid-related compounds mediated by L-type amino acid transorter 1(LAT 1):Insights into the mechanisms of substrate recognition"Mol.Pharmacol. 61. 729-737 (2001)
[Publications] Enomoto, A, Kimura M., Chairoungdua A., Shigeta Y., Futaba, P., S.H.Hosovamadam M., nIkeda, M., Sekine, T., Igarashi U., Matsuo, H., Kikuchi Y., Oda Takashi, Uchida K., Hosoya, T, Shimokawa K., Niwa, I., Kanai, Y., Endou H.: "Molecular identification of a renal urate/anion exchanger that regulates blood urate levels"Nature. (in press).
[Publications] Takeda, M., Endou, H.: "Massry & Glassock's Textbook of Nephrology, Fourth Edition(Shaul G.Massry and Richard J.Glassock cds.)"Williams and Wilkins. 11 (2000)