Research Abstract |
The research project, "Strategic Alliance and Industrial Location of Japanese and French Multinationals" was finalized by holding the 19^<th> Hosei International Symposium, "Japanese Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Change in the East Asian Industrial System : Global Restructuring for the 21^<st> Century, " from the 30^<th> of October to the 1^<st> of November, 2000 at the Ichigaya campus, Hosei University. Prof.Guelle investigated the corporate strategy of Michelin, Bridgestone-Firestone, and Goodyear. Prof.Shimokawa focused on automobile multinational corporations and Prof.Horaguchi investigated electrical and electronics industry in the East Asian countries. Prof.Lecler with Prof.Simon traced the economic history after the Asian Economic Crisis in 1997. The Hosei Internatinal Symposium had a large number of participants. Eleven countries, 27 scholars were invited to present their papers and Prof.Guelle, Prof.Horaguchi, Prof.Shimokawa, and Prof Lecler had played roles of chairpersons, commentators as well as presenting their own papers. The audiences were various, from MITI, Bank of Japan, scholars, business people, and graduate students. The total number of participants was about 350. The papers were printed as a proceedings and it was distributed to the audiences during the symposium. It will to be published through a publisher, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Inc., under the title of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment and the East Asian Industrial System : Case Studies in Automobile and Electronics Industries, in early 2002.