[Publications] Satoshi Kaneko et al.: "An Investigation of the Nature and Function of Module 10 in a Family F/10 Xylanase FXYN of Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 by Module Shuffling with the Cex of Cellulomonas fimi and by Site-Directed Mutagenesis."FEBS Letters. 460・1. 61-66 (1999)
[Publications] Ken-ichi Takahashi et al.: "A Mini-Protein Designed by Removing a Module from Barnase: Molecular Modeling and NMR Measurements of the Conformation."Protein Engineering. 12・8. 673-673 (1999)
[Publications] Ota,M.et al.: "Feasibility in the inverse protein folding protocol."Protein Science. 8・5. 1001-1009 (1999)
[Publications] Fukami-Kobayashi,et al.: "Domain dislocation: a change of core structure in periplasmic binding proteins in their evolutionary history."Journal of Molecular Biology. 286・1. 279-290 (1999)
[Publications] Mitaku,S.et al.: "Physicochemical factors for discriminating between soluble and membrane proteins: hydrophobicity of helical segments and protein length."Protein Engineering. 12・11. 953-957 (1999)
[Publications] Mitaku,S.et al.: "Proportion of membrane proteins in proteomes of 15 single-cell organisms analyzed by the SOSUI prediction system."Biophysical Chemistry. 82. 165-171 (1999)
[Publications] Shirai,H.et al.: "H3-rules: Identification of CDR-H3 structures in antibodies."FEBS Letters. 455. 188-197 (1999)
[Publications] Kim,S.T.et al.: "Enhanced conformational diversity search of CDR-H3 in antibodies: Roles of the first CDR-H3 residue."Proteins: Structures Function and Genetics. 37. 683-696 (1999)
[Publications] Kinoshita,K.et al.: "Structural motif of phosphate binding site common to various protein superfamilies: All-against-all structural comarison of protein-mononucleotide complexes."Protein Engineering. 12・1. 11-14 (1999)
[Publications] Kinoshita,K.et al.: "Diversity of functions of proteins with internal symmetry in spatial arrangement of secondary structural elements."Protein Science. 8・6. 1210-1217 (1999)
[Publications] Ogata,K.et al.: "Amino acid similarity matrix for homology modeling derived from structural alignment and optimized by the Monte Carlo method."Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 16. 178-189 (1999)
[Publications] Yoneda,T.et al.: "A homology modeling method of an icosahedral viral capsid: Inclusion of surrounding protein structures."Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. (in press).
[Publications] Takano,M.et al.: "Molecular dynamics of a 15-residue poly(L-alanine) in water: the helix formation and its energetics."Journal of American Chemical Society. 121・4. 605-612 (1999)
[Publications] Yamamoto,S.et al.: "Ab initio MO study on the potential energy surfaces for twisting around C11=C12 bond of protonated Schiff base of retinal."THEOCHEM. 461・462. 463-471 (1999)
[Publications] Kakitani,T.et al.: "Theory of excitation transfer in the intermediate coupling case."Journal of Physical Chemistry. 68. 3729-3737 (1999)
[Publications] Kakitani,T.et al.: "Color tuning mechanism of human red and green visual pigments."Photochemistry and Photobiology. 70. 686-693 (1999)
[Publications] Mitsutake,A.et al.: "Alpha-helix propensities of homo-oligomers in aqueous solution studied by multicanonical algorithm."Chemical Physics Letters. 309. 95-100 (1999)
[Publications] Sugita,Y.et al.: "Replica-exchange molecular dynamics method for protein folding."Chemical Physics Letters. 314. 141-151 (1999)
[Publications] J.An et al.: "Construction of an integrated enviroment for sequence,structure,property and function analysis of proteins."Genome Informatics. 10. 229-230 (1999)
[Publications] Saito, S et al.: "Kinetic Consistency in Protein Folding Prosess."Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem). 462. 503-521 (1999)
[Publications] Yomo, T et al.: "Gradual Development of Protein-like Global Structures through Functional Selection."Nature Structural Biology. 6. 743-746 (1999)
[Publications] Kamatari, Y.O.et al.: "The compact and expanded denatured conformations of apomyoglobin in the methanol-water solvent."Protein Science. 8. 873-882 (1999)
[Publications] Salamov, Adaf,et al.: "Genome Analysis: Assigning protein coding regions to 3D structures"Protein Science. 8. 771-777 (1999)
[Publications] Suwa,M.et al.: "A Novel Measure Characterized by a Polar Energy Surface Approximation for Recognition and Classification of Transmembrane Protein Structures."Proteins: Structures,Function and Genetics. (in press).
[Publications] Suzuki,Y.et al.: "A method for detecting positive selection at single amino acid sites."Molecular Biology and Evolution. 16. 1315-1328 (1999)
[Publications] Bellgard,M.et al.: "Inferring the direction of evolutionary changes of genomic base composition"Trends in Genetics. 15・7. 254-256 (1999)
[Publications] Kanai,S.et al.: "Identification of new members of the GS ADP-forming family from de novo purine biosynthesis pathway."Journal of Moleclar Evolution. 48・4. 489-492 (1999)
[Publications] Beuckmann,C.T.et al.: "Binding of biliverdin,biliruvin,and thyroid hormones to lipocalin-type prostaglandin Dsynthase."Biochemistry. 38・25. 8006-8013 (1999)
[Publications] Miyazawa,S.et al.: "Self-consistent Estimation of Inter-residue Protein Contact Energies Based on an Equilibrium Mixture Approximation of Residues."PROTEINS: Structures,Function,and Genetics. 34. 49-68 (1999)
[Publications] Miyazawa,S.et al.: "An Empirical Energy Potential with a Reference State for Protein Fold and Sequence Recognition."PROTEINS: Structures,Function,and Genetics. 36. 357-369 (1999)
[Publications] Yura,K.et al.: "Putative mechanism of natural transformation as deduced from genome data."DNA Research. 6・2. 75-82 (1999)
[Publications] Sato,Y.et al.: "Module-intron correlation and intron sliding in family F/10 xylanase genes."Gene. 238・1. 93-101 (1999)
[Publications] Shirai,T.et al.: "Crystal structure of a protein with an artificial exon-shuffling,module M4-substituted chimra hemoglobin ba,at 2. 5 A resolution."Journal of Molecular Biology. 287・1. 369-382 (1999)
[Publications] Shiral,T.et al.: "High-resolution structure of conger eel galectin,congerin I,in lactose-liganded and ligand-free forms: emergence of a new structure class by accelerated evolution."Structure. 7・10. 1223-1233 (1999)
[Publications] Kinoshita,K.et al.(分担執筆): "Old and New Views of Protein Folding"Kuwajima,K.and Arai,M.(Elsevier Science). 318 (1999)
[Publications] 梅山 秀明(編集): "廣川有機薬科学実験講座1 創薬志向の分子設計"梅山秀明、福原健一(廣川書店). 260 (2000)
[Publications] Yamato,T.et al.(分担執筆): "Photosyntheses: Mechanisms and Effects"G.Garab (Kluwer Academic Publishers). 2416 (1999)
[Publications] 垣谷俊昭(分担執筆): "光がもたらす生命と地球の共進化"垣谷俊昭、三室守編(中部経済新聞社). 139 (1999)
[Publications] Hansmann,U.H.E.et al.(分担執筆): "Annual Reviews in Computational Physics VI"Stauffer,D.(World Scientific). 346 (1999)
[Publications] Nakamura,H.K.et al.(分担執筆): "Old and New Views of Protein Folding"K.Kuwajima and M.Arai (Elsevier,Amsterdam). 318 (1999)
[Publications] Soda,K.(分担執筆): "Old and New Views of Protein Folding"Kuwajima,K.and Arai,M.(Elsevier Science). 318 (1999)
[Publications] Gojobori,T.: "Molecular Strategies in Biological Evolution Part VI. Symmary"Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 434 (1999)
[Publications] Kikuno,R.et al.(分担執筆): "Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry. Volume I"Barton et al.(Elsevier). 429 (1999)
[Publications] Go,M.et al.(分担執筆): "Old and New Views of Protein Folding"Kuwajima,K.and Arai,M.(Elsevier Science). 318 (1999)