[Publications] K.Kaneko 他1名: "Isologous Diversification for Robust Development of Cell Society"J.Theor.Biol.. 199. 243-256 (1999)
[Publications] K.Fujimoto 他1名: "Noise Induced Boundary Dependence through Convective Instability"Physica D. 129. 203-222 (1999)
[Publications] N.Kataoka 他1名: "Functional Dynamics I"Physica D,. (in press).
[Publications] N.Nakagawa 他1名: "Energy Storage in a Hamiltonian System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath"J.Phys.Soc.Japan,. (in press).
[Publications] K.Kaneko 他1名: "Robust and Irreversible Development in Cell Society as a General Consequence of Intra-Inter Dynamics"Physica A,. (in press).
[Publications] 金子邦彦: "複雑系生命科学の構築にむけて(1)"パリティ. 15-01. 4-11 (2000)
[Publications] 金子邦彦: "複雑系生命科学の構築にむけて(2)"パリティ. 15-02. 4-11 (2000)
[Publications] 金子邦彦: "複雑系生命科学の構築にむけて(3)"パリティ. 15-03. 21-25 (2000)
[Publications] 金子邦彦: "複雑系生命科学の問題"数理科学. 441. 28-36 (2000)
[Publications] E.Akiyama 他1名: "Dynamical Systems Game Theory and Dynamics of Games"Physica D,. (in press).
[Publications] Chan,T. 他2名: "A Model system for Organ Engineering : Transplantation of in vitro Induced Embryonic Kidney"Natur wissenschaften. 86. 224-227 (1999)
[Publications] Tamai,K. 他3名: "Cytochalasin B inhibits morphogenetic movement and muscle differentiation of activin-treated ectoderm in Xenopus"Develop.Growth Differ.. 41. 41-49 (1999)
[Publications] Furue,M. 他5名: "Effects of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and activin A on the morphogenesis of rat submandibular glandderived epithelial cells in serum-free collagen gel culture"Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Animal. 35. 131-135 (1999)
[Publications] Ninomiya,H. 他4名: "Endoderm differentiation and inductive effect of activin-treated ectoderm in Xenopus"Develop.Growth Differ.. 41. 391-400 (1999)
[Publications] Moriya,N. 他2名: "In vitro organogenesis of pancreas in Xenopus laevis dorsal lips treated with retinoic acid"Develop.Growth Differ.. (1999)
[Publications] Yomo,T. 他2名: "Gradual development of protein-like global structures through functional selection"nature structural biology. Vol.6 No.8. 743-746 (1999)
[Publications] Sugawara,T.: "Manipulating Spin System"Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.. 334. 257-273 (1999)
[Publications] Sugawara,T. 他1名: "Tautomerism in the Solid State"Adv.in Phys.Org.Chem.. 32. 219-265 (1999)
[Publications] Wakabayashi,S. 他6名: "Self-Assembly of 3-[4'-(Diethylboryl) phenyl] pyridine and 3-[3'-(Diethylboryl) phenyl]-pyridine : Synghesis, Structural Features, and Stability in Solution."J.Org.Chem.. 64(19). 6999-7008 (1999)
[Publications] Ikeda,S. 他3名: "Remarkable Effect of Acceptors on Pyrene-Sensitized Decomposition of N-Phenylglycine."Chem.Lett.. 10. 1009-1010 (1999)
[Publications] Susumu,k. 他3名: "Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of "Center-to-Edge" type Phosphorus (V) Porphyrin Arrays."J.Chem.Soc.,Perkin Trans.. 2. 1521-1530 (1999)
[Publications] Hirakawa,K. 他1名: "Excitation Transfer and Photo-induced Electron Transfer in Axial Bispyrenyl Phosphorus Porphyrin Derivatives : Factors Governing the Competition between Energy and Electron Transfer Processes under the Existence of Intramolecular p-p Interaction."J.Photochem.Photobiol.. A,123. 67-76 (1999)
[Publications] K.Okano 他2名: "Position specific release of DNA from a chip by using photothermal denaturation."Sensors and Actuators B. (in press.).
[Publications] K.Yasuda.: "Non-destructive, non-contact handling method for Biomaterials in micro-chamber by ultrasound."Sensors and Actuators B.. (in press.).
[Publications] K.Yasuda 他2名: "Focal extraction of surface-bound DNAs from a microchip using photo-thermal denaturation."BioTechniques,. (in press.).
[Publications] K.Okano 他2名: "Release of specific DNAs from a DNA chip by using photothermal denaturation."The 10th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators (Transducers '99), digest of technical papers (Sendai, Japan, June 7-10,). 1722-1725 (1999)
[Publications] K.Yasuda: "Non-contact handling of biomaterials in microchamber using ultrasound."The 10th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators (Transducers '99), digest of technical papers (Sendai, Japan, June 7-10,).. 128-129 (1999)
[Publications] Yamada,M. 他5名: "Dynamic mobility of genetically expressed fusion protein between cytochrome P4501A1 and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase in yeast microsomes"Biochemistry. 38. 9465-9470 (1999)
[Publications] Suzuki-Tomii,K 他3名: "Comparative experiments of protein denaturation for studying structural difference of homologous membrane proteins : P-450scc and P-45011β"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 38. 298-301 (1999)
[Publications] Ichikawa,T. 他5名: "Digital fluorescence imaging of trafficking of endosomes containing low density lipoprotein in brain astroglial cells"Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.. 269. 25-30 (2000)
[Publications] Mukai,H. 他2名: "Effects of neurosteroids on Ca2+ signaling mediated by recombinant NMDA receptor expressed in CHO cells"Neurosci.Lett.. (in press).
[Publications] 山田慎 他3名: "エンドソームによる脂質の細胞内輸送の可視化"蛋白質核酸酵素 増刊号「脂質の分子生物学と病態生化学」. 44-8. 1227-1233 (1999)
[Publications] Kimoto,T. 他4名: "Localization of functional neurosteroidogenic system in hippocampal neurons"Molocular Steroidogenesis, Universal Academy Press. 385-388 (2000)
[Publications] Yamada,M. 他3名: "Fluorescence analysis for regulation of cytochrome P450scc activity on steroidogenic stimulation in adrenocortical cells"Molocular Steroidogenesis. 393-396 (2000)
[Publications] Ichikawa,T. 他4名: "ACTH facilitates the intracellular transport of low density lipoprotein in bovine adrenocortical cells"Molocular Steroidogenesis. 273-274 (2000)
[Publications] Takata,N. 他6名: "Steroids potentiate nitric oxide production in rat hippocampal CA1 region : real-time fluorescence microscopic imaging"Molocular Steroidogenesis. 407-408 (2000)
[Publications] Takahashi,T. 他3名: "Corticosterone prolonged NMDA-induced Ca2+ signaling in rat hippocampal neurons"Molocular Steroidogenesis. 409-412 (2000)
[Publications] Ikegami,T.: "Evolvability of Machines and Tapes"J.Artificial Life and Robotics. Vol.3 No.4. 242-245 (2000)
[Publications] Ikegami,T. 他1名: "Imitation and Cooperation in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers (eds.Floreano,D.et al.)"Advances in Artificial Life (Springer-Verlag). 545-554 (1999)
[Publications] Taiji,M. 他1名: "Dynamics of internal models in game players"Physica D. 134. 253-266 (1999)
[Publications] Harada,K. 他1名: "Evolution of Multispecificity in an Immune Network (eds.Floreano,D.et al.)"Advances in Artificial Life (Springer-Verlag). 427-431 (1999)
[Publications] Ono,N. 他1名: "Model of Self-Replicating Cell Capable of Self-Maintenance (eds.Floreano,D.et al.)"Advances in Artificial Life (Springer-Verlag). 399-406 (1999)
[Publications] Sato,Y. 他1名: "Undecidability of the Imitation Game (eds.Dautenhahn et al.)"Imitation in Animals and Artifacts in the Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium (publ.The society for the study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behavior). 157-159 (1999)
[Publications] 池上高志: "人工生命-来るべき世界-"計測と制御. 38(10). 636-640 (1999)
[Publications] 池上高志: "ゲームでみる生命の複雑さの理論"ゲーム(東京大学出版会). 105-144 (1999)
[Publications] S.Sasa 他1名: "Thermodynamic Irreversibility from high-dimensional Hamiltonian Chaos"Prog.Theor.Phys.. 103. 1-52 (2000)
[Publications] 立花隆: "100億年の旅.2 宇宙・地球・生命・脳-その原理を求めて 標題 「進化」を実験室で確かめる"朝日新聞社. 200-216 (1999)
[Publications] 平野勝巳: "生きてゆくためのサイエンス-生命論パラダイムの現在 標題 生物は淘汰されず、共存する-実験進化論"人文書院. 61-79 (1999)
[Publications] 井川洋二: "続ロマンチックな科学者 標題 創ってわかる生物学-生物らしさを求めて"株式会社 羊土社. (2000)