[Publications] Masaki Ito, 他: "Smart Furniture : Improvising Ubiquitous Hot-spot Environment"Proc.of 3rd International Workshop on Smart Appliance and Wearable Computing(IWSAWC 2003). (発表予定). (2003)
[Publications] 青木 崇行, 村瀬 正名, 松宮 健太, 中澤 仁, 西尾 信彦, 高汐 一紀, 徳田 英行: "Smart Furniture : Improvising Ubiquitous Hot-spot Environment"情報処理学会 情報家電研究グループ第4回研究会 研究報告. 3-7 (2002)
[Publications] Kenta Matsumiya, Soko Aoki, Masana Murase, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Zero-stop Authentication : Sensor-based Real-time Authentication System"Proc.of 9th Real-Time, and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications(RTCSA 2003). 179-194 (2003)
[Publications] Nobuhiko Nishio, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Design and an Implementation of Resource Reservation with QOS Profiling Handler"Proc.of 9th Real-Time, and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications(RTCSA 2002). 251-258 (2002)
[Publications] Nobuhiko Nishio, Noriyuki Harashima, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Reflective Probabilistic Packet Marking Scheme for IP Traceback"情報処理学会 システムソフトウェアとオペレーティングシステム研究会 研究報告. 2002-OS-90. 65-72 (2002)
[Publications] Jin Nakazawa, Masayuki Iwai, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Dynamic Message-path Generation for Improvised Composition of Networked Appliances Services"IEEE International Workshop on Networked Appliances(IWNA 2002). (2002)
[Publications] Jin Nakazawa, Hideyuki Tokuda: "A Pluggable Service-to-Service Communication Mechanism for Home Multimedia Networks"Proc of ACM Multimedia. 621-630 (2002)
[Publications] Masana Murase, Takeshi Iwamoto, Tomohiro Nagata, Nobuhiko Nishio, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Implementation and Evaluation of Wapplet Framework"Proc of IEEE International Workshop on Networked Appliances(IWNA 2002). 275-284 (2002)
[Publications] Yoshito Tobe, Hiroto Aida, Hideyuki Tokuda: "A Lightweight Transport Protocol for Home Networks"Proc of IEEE International Workshop on Networked Appliances(IWNA 2002). 179-185 (2002)
[Publications] 岩井 将行, 中澤 仁, 西尾 信彦, 徳田 英幸: "分散コンポーネントによる即興的アプリケーション構成機構の実現"情報処理学会論文誌. 43・6. 1664-1676 (2002)
[Publications] 岩井 将行, 中澤 仁, 徳田 英幸: "uBlocks:利用者自身によるユビキタスアプリケーション構築機構"情報処理学会 情報家電コンピューティング研究会(IAC-4) 研究報告. 29-36 (2002)
[Publications] Takeshi Iwamoto, Nobuhiko Nishio, Hideyuki Tokuda: "Wapplet : A Media Access Framework for Wearable Applications"Proc of International Conference on Information Networking 2002(ICOIN 2002). 5D4.1-5D4.11 (2002)
[Publications] 岩本 健嗣, 徳田 英幸: "PMSS(Personalized Media Access Architecture):ユビキタス環境におけるメディアアクセスアーキテクチャ"情報処理学会論文誌. 44・3. 848-856 (2003)
[Publications] 永田 智大, 西尾 信彦, 徳田 英幸: "サービス利用状況の変化に対する適応支援機構"サービス利用状況の変化に対する適応支援機構. 44・3. 835-847 (2003)
[Publications] 船山 政孝, 森 正一, 高汐 一紀: "組み込み機器向け移動エージェントシステムの設計と実装"情報処理学会第64回大会論文集. (2002)
[Publications] 大阿久 和也, 高汐 一紀: "JavaCardを利用した移動エージェントの保護機構"情報処理学会第64回大会論文集. 403-404 (2002)
[Publications] Kazunori TAKASHIO, 他: "Smart Hot-spot : Taking out Ubiquitous Smart Computing Environment Anywhere"Proc.of 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing(Pervasive 2002). (2002)
[Publications] Kazunori TAKASHIO, Masataka FUNAYAMA, Masakazu MORI, Hideyuki TOKUDA: "@TINI : An m-P@gent Runtime Environment for Ubiquitous, Networked Appliances"Proc of Workshop on Supporting Spontaneous Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing Settings. (2002)
[Publications] Kazunori TAKASHIO, Masakazu MORI, Masataka FUNAYAMA, Hideyuki TOKUDA: "Constructing Environment-Aware Mobile Applications Adaptive to Small, Networked Appliances in Ubiquitous Computing Environment"Proc.of 4th International Conference on Mobile Data Management(MDM 2003). 230-246 (2003)