Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
The cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, was used to understand the genetic control of development and differentiation. This organism normally proliferates as unicellular amoebae but gathers and constructs multicellular structures upon starvation. First, large scale analysis of cDNAs was performed to establish the genetic resources. Fourteen cDNA libraries were constructed from the cells at 5 developmental stages, and the nucleotide sequences of 95,884 clones, including 72,703 full-length ones, were determined. The sequences were assembled into 6,790 independent genes, which corresponded to 54% of the predicted 12,500 genes. These resources were then used for reverse-genetic and bioinformatic analyses. The following results were obtained.1. Gene expression patterns during normal development were obtained showing occurrence of the overall drastic changes in expressed genes after cell aggregation. Whole mount in situ hybridization revealed the fine pattern formation in the prestalk region.2. Two hundred and sixty genes were extracted to encode probable transcription factors, and precise expression patterns were obtained by real-time PCR for 40 of them. Thirteen genes were disrupted.3. The Genetic network among 9 probable transcription factors was obtained using the S-system calculation based on the gene expression patterns during development in the wild type and disruption mutants.4. Upstream promoter sequences were obtained by aligning the full-length cDNA and genome sequences, and candidate cis regulatory elements were extracted referring to the expression specificities.
All 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Other
All Journal Article (65 results) Book (1 results)
Cell. Microbiol. (印刷中)
Dev. Growth Differ. (印刷中)
Differentiation 73
Pages: 50-60
コンピュータソフトウェア 22
Pages: 167-172
Mech. Dev. 122
Pages: 733-743
Nature 435
Pages: 43-57
BMC Genom. 6
Pages: 28
Computor Softwear 22(3)
Mech.Dev. 122
BMC Genom. 6(1)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101
Pages: 7005-7010
Nuc. Acids Res. 32
Pages: 1647-1653
J. Plant Res. 117
Pages: 345-353
Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48
Pages: 679-682
Dev. Growth Differ. 45
Pages: 195-199
Eukaryot. Cell 3
Pages: 1241-1248
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 101
Nuc.Acids Res. 32
J.Plant Res. 117
Int.J.Dev.Biol. 48
Dev.Growth Differ. 45
Eukaryot.Cell 3
Eukaryot. Cell 2
Pages: 627-637
Pages: 638-645
Mech. Dev. 120
Pages: 965-975
Pages: 507-514
Gene 312
Pages: 321-333
J. Cell Sci. 116
Pages: 2907-2915
Eukaryot.Cell 2
Mech.Dev. 120
J.Cell Sci. 116
Nuc. Acids Res. 30
Pages: e2
Development 129
Pages: 1543-1552
Biotech. Lett. 24
Pages: 1307-1312
Biochem. J. 368
Pages: 29-39
Mol. Cells 13
Pages: 1-4
Nuc.Acids Res. 30
Biotech.Lett. 24
Biochem.J. 368
Mol.Cells 13
J. Biochem. 130
Pages: 207-215
Bioinformatics 17
Pages: 167-173
Dev. Growth & Differ. 43
Pages: 275-283
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1519
Pages: 65-69
J.Biochem. 130
Bioinformatics 17(2)
Pages: 167-73
Dev.Growth & Differ. 43
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1519
Eur. J. Biochem. 267
Pages: 1813-1818
Gene 251
Pages: 131-139
Dev. Biol. 223
Pages: 114-119
J Biol. Chem. 275
Pages: 36691-36697
Eur.J.Biochem. 267
J.Biol.Chem. 275(47)
Cell.Microbiol. (in press)
Dev.Growth Differ. (in press)
Methods in Molecular Biology : Dictyostelium discoideum. (eds. Eichinger, L. andRivero, F.) (Humana Press) (in press)