[Publications] Baishev,D.G.,E.S.Barkova,S.I.Solovyev,K.Yumoto,A.G.Yahnin: "Frequency growth of IPDP pulsations during a substorm as a manifestation of equatorward expansion of particle precipitation and current region"International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Cheng,C.-C.,J.-K.Chao,and K.Yumoto: "Spectral Power of Low-Latitude Pi 2 pulsations as the 210° Magnetic Meridian Stations and Plasmaspheric Cavity Resonances"Earth, Planets & Space. 52. 615-627 (2000)
[Publications] Fedorov,E.,V.Pilipenko,V.Surkov,D.R.K.Rao,and K.Yumoto: "Ionospheric propagation of MHD disturbances from the equatorial electrojet"J.Geophys.Res.. 104,A3. 4329-4336 (2000)
[Publications] Fujita S.,T.Mizuta,M.Itonaga,H.Nakata and A.Yoshikawa: "Transient MHD impulses in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system : The 2D model of the Pi2 pulsations"Geophys.Res.Lett.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Hayakawa,M.,T.Itoh,K.Hattori,and K.Yumoto: "ULF electromagnetic precursors for an earthquake at Biak, Indonesia on February 17,1996"Geophys.Res.Lett.. 27,No.10,. 1531-1534 (2000)
[Publications] Itonaga M.,A.Yoshikawa,K.Yumoto,S.Fujita and H.Nakata: "A study on the generation of field-aligned current in the magnetosphere"Mem.Fac.Sci., Kyushu Univ., Ser.D, Earth and Planet.Sci. 16,No.1. 1-9 (2000)
[Publications] Itonaga M.,A.Yoshikawa and S.Fujita: "A wave equation describing the generation of field-aligned current in the Magnetosphere"Earth Planets Space. 52. 503-507 (2000)
[Publications] Kawano,H.,R.Nakamura,S.Kokubun,T.Mukai,T.Yamamoto,K.Yumoto,and J.A.Slavin: "Substorm-assocaited shrinkage of the mid-tail magnetosphere : IACG campaign #2"Advance in Space Research. 1689-1696 (2000)
[Publications] Kawano,H.,C.T.Russell and J.A.Newbury: "Correlation between the solar wind dynamic and static pressures"J.Geophys.Res.. 105. 7583-7589 (2000)
[Publications] Kepko,L.,M.G.Kivelson,and K.Yumoto: "Flow bursts, braking, and Pi2 pulsations"J.Geophys.Res.. 1903-1915 (2001)
[Publications] Kikuchi,T.,M.Pinnock,A.Rodger,H.Luhr,T.Kitamura,H.Tachihara,M.Watanabe,N.Sato,and M.Ruohoniemi: "Global evolution of a substorm-associated DP2 current system observed by Super-DARM|N and magnetometers"Adv.Space Res.. 26. 121-124 (2000)
[Publications] Kikuchi,T.,H.Luhr,K.Schlegel,H.Tachihara,M.Shinohara,and T.Kitamura: "Penetration of auroral electric fields to the equator during a substorm"J.Geophys.Res.. 105. 23251-23261 (2000)
[Publications] Lui,A.T.,K.Liou,P.T.Newell,C.I.Meng,S.Ohtani,R.W.McEntire,N.J.Fox,R.P.Lepping.,W.R.Paterson,J.B.Sigwarth,L.A.Frank,S.Kokubun,G.K.Parks,T.Moretto,and K.Yumoto: "UConjunction of tail satellite of substorm study : ISTP event of 1997 January 2"Geophys.Res.Lett.. 27,No.13,. 1831-1834 (2000)
[Publications] Nakata,H.,S.Fujita,A.Yoshikawa,M.Itonaga,and K.Yumoto: "Ground magnetic perturbations associated with the standing toroidal mode oscillations in the magnetosphere- ionosphere system"Earth, Planets & Space. 52. 601-613 (2000)
[Publications] Nozawa,H.,H.Misawa,S.Takahashi,A.Morioka,R.Sood,S.Okano,and K.Yumoto: "Variability of SII emission from the Io plasma torus"Adv.Space Res.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] M.Nishino,H.Yamagishi,N.Sato,Y.Murata,L.Ruiyan,H.Honquao,P.Stauning,and J.A.Holtet: "Post-noon ionospheric absorption observed by imaging riometers at polar cusp/cap conjugate stations"Chinese Journal of Polar Science. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Nose,M.,A.T.Y.Lui,.S.Ohtani,B.H.Kauk,R.W.McEntire,D.J.Williams,T.Mukai,S.Kokubun,T.Nagai,T.Iyemori,and K.Yumoto: "Acceleration of ionospheric origin ions in the near-Earth magnetotail during substorm"J.Geophys.Res.. 104,A4. 7669-7677 (2000)
[Publications] Nose,M.,S.Ohtani,A.T.Lui,S.P.Christon,R.W.McEntire,D.J.Williams,T.Mukai,Y.Saito,and K.Yumoto: "Change of energetic ion composition in the plasma sheet during substorms"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Sastri,J.H.,T.Takeuchi,T.Araki,K.Yumoto,S.Tsunomura,H.Tachihara,H.Luehr,and J.Watermann: "Preliminary impulse (PI) of the geomagnetic storm sudden commencement of November 19,1993"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Shiokawa,K.,T.Ogawa,K.Igarashi,S.Miyazaki,F.J.Rich,A.Saito,and K.Yumoto: "Comprehensive imaging observation of mid-latitude ionospheric disturbances during storm-time substorms"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Shiokawa,K.,Y.Katoh,M.Satoh,M.K.Ejiri,and T.Ogawa: "Integrating-sphere calibration of all-sky cameras for nightglow measurements"Adv.Space Sci.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Shiokawa,K.,W.Baumjohann,G.Haerendel,and H.Fukunishi: "High-and low-altitude observations of adiabatic parameters associated with auroral electron acceleration"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Solovyev,S.I.,D.G.Baishev,E.S.Barkova,N.E.Molochushkin,and K.Yumoto: "Pi 2 magnetic pulsations of auroral arc current system"Geophys.Res.Lett.. 27,No.13. 1839-1842 (2000)
[Publications] Takahashi,S.,H.Misawa,H.Nozawa,A.Morioka,R.Sood,S.Okano,and K.Yumoto: "Distribution of sodium cloud near Io and in the inner Jovian magnetosphere"Adv.Space Res.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Takenouchi,T.,T.Araki,H.Luehr,O.Rasmussen,J.Watermann,D.K.Milling,I.R.Mann,K.Yumoto,K.Shiokawa,and T.Nagai: "Geomagnetic negative sudden impulse due to a magnetic cloud observed on May 13,1995"Geophys.Res.Lett.. 105,No.A8. 18835-18846 (2000)
[Publications] Tsunomura,S: "On the contribution of global scale polar-originating ionospheric current systems to geomagnetic disturbances in middle and low latitudes"Mem.Kakioka Mag.Obs.. 28(in press). (2000)
[Publications] Uozumi,T.,K.Yumoto,H.Kawano,A.Yoshikawa,S.I.Solovyev,E.F.Vershinin,and the 210 MM Observation Group: "Characteristics of energy transfer of Pi 2 magnetic pulsations : Latitudinal dependence"Geophys.Res.Lett.. 27,No.27. 1619-1623 (2000)
[Publications] Waters,C.L.,M.D.Sciffer,B.J.Fraser,F.W.Menk,K.Foulkes,K.Brand,O.Saka and K Yumoto: "The phase structure of very low latitude ULF waves across dawn"J.Geophys.Res.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Yoshikawa A.,and M.Itonaga: "The nature of reflection and mode conversion of MHD waves at the inductive ionosphere : Multi-step conversion between divergent and rotational electric fields"J.Geophys.Res.. 105,No,A5. 10565-10584 (2000)
[Publications] Yumoto,K,.and the CPMN Group: "Characteristics of Pi 2 magnetic pulsations observed at the CPMN stations : A review of the STEP results"Earth Planets Space,. 52(in press). (2001)
[Publications] 巻田和男,星野光男,立原裕司,西野正徳,湯元清文: "ブラジル・トリニダード地磁気共役観測"拓殖大学理工学報告書. No.3(in press). (2000)
[Publications] 三澤浩昭,高橋慎,野澤宏大,森岡昭,岡野章一,Ravi Sood: "衛星イオを起源とする火山性ガスの観測-IV"第21回宇宙科学研究所太陽系科学シンポジウム集録集. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] 北川拓也,櫻井亨,利根川豊,新海雄一: "昼側磁気圏境界におけるPc3型電磁流体波の特性"東海大学紀要工学部. 39(in press). (2000)