[Publications] Y.Ohmori, L.C.Doan, K.Nakai: "Ageing Processes in Al-Mg-Si Alloys during Continuous Heating"Materials Transactions. 43・2(掲載決定). (2002)
[Publications] K.Nakai, T.Minaga, S.Kobayashi, Y.Ohmori: "Microstructural Evolutions during Cooling in a Ti-Al-Zr Alloy"The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), The Japan Inst. Metals. 2543-2546 (2001)
[Publications] K.Nakai, K.Watanabe, S.Kobaya-shi, H.Kurishita, Y.Ohmori: "Microstructural Evolutions in Mo-HIC Composite Materials during HIP"The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), The Japan Inst. Metals. 2567-2570 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kobyashi, K.Toshimori, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Effects of Boron Addition on the Decomposition of 0.1C-9Cr Austenite"The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), The Japan Inst. Metals. 2459-2462 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kobayashi, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Phase Transformation from β to α in a Ti-10wt%Zr Alloy"The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), The Japan Inst. Metals. 2567-2570 (2001)
[Publications] Y.-C.Jung, Y.Ohmori, K.Nakai, S.Hirosawa, H.Kanekiyo: "Effect of Cr addition on the Crystallization Processes and Magnetic Properties of Nd_<4.5>Fe_<77>X-Cr_X-B18_5 Amorphous Ribbons"The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), The Japan Inst. Metals. 2813-2816 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Ohmori, L.C.Doan, Y.Matsu-ura, K.Nakai, S.Kobayashi: "Morphology and Crystallography of β-Mg_2Si Precipitation in Al-Mg-Si Alloys"Materials Transactions. Vol.42. 2576-2583 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kobayashi, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Analysis of Phase Transformation in a Ti-10mass%Zr Alloy by Hot Stage Optical Microscopy"Materials Transactions. Vol.42. 2398-2405 (2001)
[Publications] Y.-C.Jung, Y.Ohmori, K.Nakai, S.Hirosawa, H.Kanekiyo: "Crystallization and Phase Decomposition processes in Pr_<4.5>Fe_<77>B_<18.5> Amorphous Ribbons"Materials Transactions. Vol.42. 2102-2111 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Ohmori, Y.-C.Jung, K.Nakai, H.Shioiri: "Bainite transformation and the diffusional migration of bainite/austenite interfaces in Fe-9%Ni-C alloys"Acta Materialia. Vol.49. 3149-3162 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kobayashi, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Isothermal decomposition of δ-ferrite in a 25Cr-7Ni-0.14N stainless steel"Acta Materialia. Vol.49. 1891-1902 (2001)
[Publications] E.A.Wilson, D.V.Shtansky, Y.Ohmori: "A Kinetic and Electromicroscopic Study of Transformations in Continuously Cooled Fe-15%Ni Alloys"ISIJ International. Vol.41. 866-875 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Ohmori, Y.Matsuura, K.Nakai, S.Kobayashi: "Effects of Excess Silicon Content on the Ageing Behaviour of Solution-treated Al-Mg-Si Alloys"Proceedings of The Second International Conference o Light Materials for Transportation Systems, LiMAT-2001. 577-582 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Ohmori, T.Ogo, K.Nakai, S.Kobayashi: "Effects of ω-phase precipitation on β→α,α" transformations in a metastable β titanium alloy"Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.A312. 182-188 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Ohmori: "Microstructural evolution with precipitation of carbides in steels"ISIJ International. Vol.41. 554-565 (2001)
[Publications] 大森靖也: "鉄綱材料の微細組織形成における相変態の結晶学"ふぇらむ. Vol.6. 780-786 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kobayashi, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Decomposition processes of δ-ferrite during continuous heating in a 25Cr-7Ni-0.14N stainless steel"ISIJ International. Vol.40. 802-808 (2000)
[Publications] D.V.Shtansky, K.Nakai, Y.Ohmori: "Crystallography and structural evolution during reverse transformation in an Fe-17Cr-0.5C tempered martensite"Acta Materialia. Vol.48. 1679-1689 (2000)
[Publications] Long Chau Doan, Yasuya Ohmori, Kiyomichi Nakai: "Effects of Cold Rolling on the Aging Kinetics in an Al-Mg-Si Based alloy"Materials Transactions, JIM. Vol.41. 690-695 (2000)
[Publications] K.Nakai, T.Momosaki, Y.Ohmori: "Decomposition Processes of α Phase in a Ti-48 at%Al Alloy"Materials Transactions, JIM. Vol.41. 406-413 (2000)