Research Abstract |
Research on reusable construction waste conducted by the research representative and an assistant is largely divided into three parts shown below: (1)Recycling of the ALC scrap wood as a lightweight ground material (2)Recycling of the sludge as ground stability material (3)100% reuse of construction surplus soil Accordingly, based also on the past research results, the research was developed as follows for the said research period ( 4 years ), establishing the new construction method and recycling technique. (1)<Dynamic observation of construction site for the reuse test of ALC scrap wood> Continuing with dynamic observation of sinking, a side displacement that had already been constructed on site, and an examination of the validity of the reuse method of ALC scrap wood as a lightweight ground material. (2)<Examination of intensity and water absorption / drainage of ALC scrap wood without solidification material> It was confirmed that ALC scrap wood with solidification material can be recycled for the roadbed as a lightweight ground material. Also, rough values of CBR values, internal friction angles, etc. as granular matter have already been measured. Accordingly, the reuse method in consideration of water absorption / drainage as granular matter was examined in addition to the proposed usage as soil for roadside trees. (3)<Examination of 100% recycling method of construction surplus soil> For the purpose of proposing 100% recycling method of construction surplus soil whose recycling lags far behind in the construction field, the reuse method of lead pollution soil was examined based on the past research results. As a result, it was confirmed that chelate material was almost useless in the case of sealing in contamination. (4)<Characteristic evaluation of recycling solidification material> The characteristic of the recycling solidification material of the sludge as ground stability material was evaluated.