Research Abstract |
The aim of this study is to conserve genetic information of Asian ethnic groups especially small sized populations in the form of a cell bank and DNA bank. For this, we have conducted field studies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. 1. Field study: for the population genetic study, specimens were collected from Sumbanese, Timorese, Moken and Mani. A total of 400 specimens were collected and 250 cell lines were established. 2. Study on Genome diversity: Polymorphisms of the following genes, SDF1, MC1R, AIMland p53, were studied among these populations with other Asian and Oceanian populations. 3. Malaria related genes: Prevalence of 27-bp deletion of the 3 protein gene arid G6PD deficiency was studied in Sumbanese in the presence of the parasitemia data. 4. Epstein-Barr virus associated peripheral T-cell proliferative diseaseis: A rapid and sensitive plasma DNA test for this disease entity was established.