Research Abstract |
As a result of this research, several articles were published both by English and by Japanese. As far as the articles written by Japanese, for instance, "The Legal Validity of `Countermeasures´ under General International Law in International Economic Dispute" was published in Hogaku (The Journal of Law and Political Science) in August 2000, and "Dispute Settlement by Political Organs of the United Nations" were published in "100 YEARS OF JAPAN AND INTERNATIONAL LAW" (edited by the Japanese Association of International Law), Vol.9 in October 2001. Since May 2000, as a Member of the International Committee on Accountability of International Organizations in International Law Association (ILA), I have participated several meetings of the Committee in London in July 2000, at the Peace Palace in the Hague in Netherlands in March 2001 and in the University College London in December 2001. At the meeting in the Hague, I have submitted to the Committee jointly with Prof. Ki-Gab PARK in Korea University "Responsibility for Violations of International Law by International Organization" (Working Paper for the ILA's Committee on Accountability of International Organizations). Based upon these research, I could publish the article "Responsibility of International Organizations and the Role of the International Court of Justice" in LIBER AMICORUM, JUDGE SHIGERU ODA" (edited by N. Ando, E. McWhinney and R. Wolfrum),Vol.1 in March 2002 At the 104th Annual Meeting Autumn Session of the Japanese Association of International Law, held in Doshisya University in Kyoto in October 2001, I have played a role as the Coordinator of the Second Session "International Organization and Responsibility".