[Publications] R. Aiyama: "A global correspondence between CMC-surfaces in S^3 and pairs of non-conformal harmonic maps into S^2"Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 128. 939-941 (2000)
[Publications] R. Miyaoka: "A simple proof of the homogeneity of isoparametric hypersurfaces with (g, m) = (6, 1)"Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds X. 178-199 (2000)
[Publications] G. Ishikawa: "Submanifolds with degenerate Gauss mappings in the spheres"Josai Mathematical Monograph. Differential Geometry. 3. 125-138 (2001)
[Publications] S. Kaneyuki: "Compactification of parahermitian symmetric spaces and its applicationsI : Tube-type realizations"Proceedings of the III International Workshop : Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, World Scientific. 63-74 (2000)
[Publications] K. Balachandran: "Existence of solutions of nonlinear integrodifferential equations of Sobolev type with nonlocal condition in Banach spaces"Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.). 110, No.2. 225-232 (2000)
[Publications] K. Balachandran: "Existence of solutions of quasilinear integrodifferential equations with nonlocal condition"Tokyo J. Math.. 23.No1. 203-210 (2000)
[Publications] H. Ikeda: "Remodeling a DS-diagram into one with E-cycle"Tokyo Jour. Math.. 23. 113-135 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Kenmotsu type respresentation formula for surfaces with prescribed mean curvature in the 3-sphere"Tohoku Math. J.. 52. 95-105 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Kenmotsu type representation formula for spacelike surfaces with prescribed mean in the de Sitter 3-space"Tsukuba J. Math.. 24. 189-196 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Minimal maps between the hyperbolic disc and generalized Gauss maps of maximal surfaces in the anti-de Sitter 3-space"Tohoku Math. J.. 52. 415-429 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Kenmotsu type representation formula for surfaces with prescribed mean curvature in the hyperbolic 3-space"J. Math. Soc. Japan. 52. 877-898 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Totally real surfaces in the complex 2-space : Steps in Differential Geometry"Proceedings of the Colloquium on Differential Geometry. July. 25-30 (2000)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Lagrangian surfaces in the complex 2-space"Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop(Kyungpooh U.). 25-29 (2001)
[Publications] R. Aiyama: "Constant mean curvature surfaces in the hyperbolic 3-space and harmonic maps"Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop(Kyungpooh U.). 31-39 (2001)
[Publications] G. Ishikawa: "Topological classification of the tangent developables of space curves"Journal of London Math. Soc.. 62-2. 583-598 (2000)
[Publications] G. Ishikawa: "Solution surfaces of the Monge-Ampere equation"Differential Geometry and its Applications. 14. 113-124 (2001)
[Publications] M. Kimura: "Minimal immersions of some circle bundles over holomorphic curves in complex quadric to sphere"Osaka Math. J.. 37. 883-903 (2000)
[Publications] U-Hang Ki: "Geometry of holomorphic distributions of real hypersurfaces in a complexprojective space"Czec. Math. J.. 51. 197-204 (2001)
[Publications] T. Adachi: "Simpleness and closedness of circles in compact Hermitian symmetricspaces"Tsukuba J. Math.. 24 No1. 1-13 (2000)
[Publications] S. Kato: "General existence of minimal : surfaces of genus zero with catenoidal ends and prescribed flux"Communications in Analysis and Geometry. 8. 83-114 (2000)
[Publications] M. Umehara: "Metrics of constant curvature 1 with three conical singularities on the 2-sphere"Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 44 No1. 72-94 (2000)
[Publications] A. I. Bobenko: "Monodromy of isometric deformation of CMC surfaces"Hiroshima Mathematical Journal. 31. 291-297 (2001)
[Publications] 宮岡 礼子: "Lie sphere geometry and Lie contact structure"数理解析研究所講究録. 1150. 143-146 (2000)
[Publications] 宮岡 礼子: "Elie Cartanの業績-S. S. ChernとC. Chevaleyによる解説"数理解析研究所講究録. 1206. 1-31 (2001)
[Publications] 宮岡 礼子: "等径超曲面今昔-Elie Cartanと21世紀"数理解析研究所講究録. 1206. 32-44 (2001)
[Publications] 宮岡 礼子: "On special Lagragian submanifolds"数理解析研究所講究録. 1236. 1-8 (2001)
[Publications] 宮岡 礼子: "等径超曲面再訪"数学. 53. 18-33 (2001)
[Publications] 梅原 雅顕: "3次元双曲型空間における平坦な曲面"数理解析研究所講究録. 1236. 49-59 (2001)
[Publications] 金行壯二: "Recent Development in Geometry of Parahermitian Symmetric spaces"数理解析研究所講究録. 1150. 11-13 (2000)
[Publications] 相山玲子: "A construction of Lagrangian surfaces in the complex 2-space"数理解析研究所講究録. 1206. 121-133 (2001)
[Publications] 石川剛郎: "Recent Results on Developable Submanifolds : Examples and Classifications"数理解析研究所講究録. 1150. 134-141 (2000)
[Publications] J. Faraut: "Analysis And Geometry On Complex Homogeneous Domains Progress in Math vol.185"Birkhauser. (2000)
[Publications] 石川 剛郎: "代数曲線と特異点, 特異点の数理. 第4巻"共立出版. (2001)