Research Abstract |
After making sodium chloride gradient between 0 〜 400mM on agarose plates, Strongyloides ratti infective larvae were placed on the plates at 0mM and 300mM. When placed at 300mM concentration, the larvae quickly avoided and moved to lower concentration area. On the other hand, When the larvae were placed at 0mM concentration, they moved the concentration by the extent of 100mM and then turned back with drawing loop traces on the plates. However, When S. ratti larvae had previously treated with various enzymes, lectins, and chemicalssuch such as hyaluronidase, Con A, trypsin, lipase, NaIO4 in vitro, they revealed an inderectional movements when placed on agarose plates at 300 mM consentration. This was considered for the larvae to be destroyed sense organs by the above chemicals. These sense organs are thought to exist in the amphids of the larvae. Then we applied this sensory organ destruction methods for larval migration in vivo. S. ratti larvae were labeled with 35S-methionine and the
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n they were treated by Hyaluronidase, Con A, Trypsin, Protease, Lipase and NaIO4 at various concentrations. Then larvae were infected to rats and the rats were killed at 10, 15, 20 post infection and number of larvae migrated in the cranial cavitied was examined by whole body autoradiography. However number of larvae were not significantly moved to nasal area and cranial cavity as compered to untreated control rats. These results imply that larval migration of S. ratti in vivo enployed by quite different sensory organs from those attracting NaCl in vitro. Next our previous data, infected rats seemed to orient to nasal cavity before invation to cranial, labeled larvae were infected subcutaneous site of rat heads and killed 10,15, 20h later. Al larvae in head portions seemed to move tip of the nose while. control larvae in lower abdominal site(sc) moved sparsely to anterior, posterior and internal portions. Next, same larvae were infected by same way above to indefinitive host, guinea pigs, and the animals were killed at 15, 25 after infection. However, all larvae won't move to nasal cavity when infected in head portion. These results meant that the sensory organ of amphids in S. ratti larvae had strict, host specificity and never responded only soduim ion but any other organ substances in vivo. Less