[Publications] Oginosawa Y, ABE H: "Recent advances in implantable cardioverter defibrillator systems"J UOEH. 24. 275-279 (2003)
[Publications] Oginosawa Y, ABE H, Nakashima Y: "Right pneumothorax resulting from a endocardial screw-in atrial lead in an implantable cardioverter defibrillator system"PACE. 25・8. 1278-1279 (2002)
[Publications] ABE H, Kondo S, Kohshi K, Nakashima Y: "Usefulness of orthostatic self-trainingfor the prevention of neurocardiogenic Syncope"PACE. 25. 1454-1458 (2002)
[Publications] Oginosawa Y, ABE H, Nakashima Y: "The incidence and risk factors for venous obstruction in patients with transvenous pacing leads"PACE. 25. 1605-1611 (2002)
[Publications] Nagatomo T, ABE H, Oginosawa Y, Araki M, et al.: "Reproduction of typical electrocardiographic findings of the Brugada syndrome using modified precordial leads"J UOEH. 24. 383-389 (2002)
[Publications] 安部治彦, 寺尾岳: "循環器疾患とタイプA行動パターン"タイプA. 13・1. 39-42 (2002)
[Publications] 安部治彦, 合志清隆, 中島康秀: "神経調節性失神における非薬物療法-Tilt Training-の有効性と長期効果"心臓. 34・suppl 2. 28-31 (2002)
[Publications] 荻ノ沢泰司, 安部治彦, 平川晴久, 中島康秀: "植え込み型除細動器の最近の進歩と今後の課題"ICUとCCU. 25・4. 251-258 (2002)
[Publications] 荻ノ沢泰司, 安部治彦, 鈴木善之, 岡崎昌博, 中島康秀: "多剤抵抗性の難治性心室頻拍・細動にベプリジルと植え込み型除細動器のハイブリッド治療が有効であった虚血心筋症の1例"産業医科大学雑誌. 24. 337-343 (2002)
[Publications] 田崎美弥子, 安部治彦, 寺尾岳, 沖泰子, 杉山純男: "ICD患者のQOL研究"メドトロニックCRMニユース. 8. 1-4 (2002)
[Publications] ABE H, Kohshi K, Nakashima Y: "Effects of orthostatic self-training on head-up tilt testing and autonomic balance in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope"J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 41. 73-76 (2003)
[Publications] ABE H, Sumiyoshi M, Mohshi K, Nakashima Y: "Effect of orthostatic training for the prevention of neurocardiogenic syncope : comparison of pharmacological therapy"Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 25. 191-198 (2003)
[Publications] ABE H, Oginosawa Y, Kawakami K, Nagatomo T, Nakashima Y: "Clinical advantage of neural anode positioning feature in pacemaker generator"J UOEH. 25. 13-22 (2003)
[Publications] 谷川隆久, 安部治彦, 岡田洋右, 森田恵美子, 中島康秀, 田中良哉: "糖尿病患者におけるhead-up tilt負荷時の心拍変動解析の検討"心臓. (in press).
[Publications] 安部治彦, 長友敏寿, 中島康秀: "向精神薬によるQT延長、突然死"臨床精神医学. (in press).
[Publications] Kawakami K, ABE H, Harayama N, Nakashima Y: "Successful treatment of severe orthostatic hypotension with erythropoietin"PACE. (in press).
[Publications] Kikuchi K, ABE H, Nagatomo T, Nakashima Y: "Microdislodgement as a likely mechanism of pacing failure with high impedance small area electrodes"PACE. (in press).
[Publications] Kohshi K, Imada H, Nomoto S, Yamaguchi R, ABE H, et al.: "Successful treatment of radiation-induced brain necrosis by hyperbaric oxygenation therapy"J Neurol Sci. (in press).
[Publications] Yasumasu T, Takahara K, ABE H, Nakashima Y: "Determination of baroreceptor-stroke volume reflex sensitivity by power spectral analysis : a quantitative probe of baroreceptor-cardiac reflex"Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. (in press).
[Publications] Tanikawa T, ABE H, Okada Y, Morita E, Nakashima Y, Tanaka Y: "Cardiac sympathovagal balance and QT dispersion during head-up tilt testing in diabetic patients with and without sensory neuropathies"Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. (in press).
[Publications] Abe H: "New understanding and management of postural orthostatc tachycardia (POT) syndrome"Clinical Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. 5 (2003)